Start A Freelance Business in the Light of Coronavirus

The Gig Economy: Start A Freelance Business in the Light of Coronavirus

Freelance business in the light of Coronavirus. As coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads around the world, more and more international organizations are prompting their employees to work from home.

In fact, the international effort to contain the spread of the virus has led to the utmost remote workforce experiment.

With schools being shut down and offices closing around the world, many contract employees are required to remain at home with no earnings.

This is specifically challenging in countries and organizations where paid sick days aren’t offered.

In the US, only 55% of workers are entitled to paid time off and some even fear to call in sick as they think it might injure their status within the organization.

In Southeast Asia, calling in ill is normally frowned upon and many contract workers fear that taking time off could provide their managers a bad impression of them.

In Australia and Singapore, on the other hand, paid authorized leave is quite typical. It will be interesting to see how these mindsets grow and develop as the worldwide coronavirus break out continues to spread out and affect thousands.

Freelance Business in the Light of Coronavirus

Regardless of the international health crisis, the freelance economy is continuing to do well and with numerous companies becoming short-staffed, we can expect to see substantial growth in Organisations depending on support from remote freelancers.

As more agreement workers are ending up being “stranded”, side gigs have now become an option to earn some sort of pay.

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Due to this crisis, should you stay at home and do absolutely nothing or make some extra earnings until the outbreak decreases?

Let’s dig a bit deeper into the flourishing freelance labour force …

Why Workers Should Jump on the Freelance Bandwagon

Now that many workers all over the world are gradually adapting to working from home, utilizing the freelancing option can bring about financial stability, flexible hours and even peace of mind.

Freelancers have more liberty and control over their workplace, work hours, and thanks and clients to today’s digital world, gig economy employees can provide their services to anybody worldwide.

Working from home is quickly ending up being as productive, if not more efficient as working in an office among colleagues.

While for a lot of companies working remotely is not “the norm or business as usual”, companies are gradually acknowledging the ‘workplace’ not just as a physical structure filled with staff members, however rather a state of mind.

Thinking of going into freelancing? Here’s how you could benefit from moving from contract work to remote work.

1. Increased Productivity

Even with the growing pattern of co-working areas all over the world, the majority of freelancers prefer to do a majority of their work from home, in fact– 83%! As the coronavirus spreads, we can anticipate that number to grow.

Start A Freelance Business

In the house, workers normally have fewer distractions and have complete control of their environment. Most remote employees know how to successfully adjust their home environment to suit their perfect working conditions.

A current experiment carried out by Stanford Business showed that working from home caused a 13% efficiency boost, doubling of revenue and greater work fulfillment.

2. More Opportunity to Earn More

Freelancing allows employees to be in control of their earnings by accessing to a lot more clients beyond geographical borders.

Freelancers can dip their toes into a swimming pool of possibilities by dealing with a variety of jobs from numerous markets and offer their services to customers worldwide who are seeking their specific skillset.

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In the middle of the existing coronavirus outbreak, now, more than ever is a good time to upgrade your portfolio in order to market your abilities and experience to as many businesses as possible who are trying to find extra help.

Therefore, going freelance will provide you the opportunity to grow, to broaden your horizons and get more experience, leading to an impressive portfolio and more than likely more earnings.

3. Flexibility and Control of Your Own Schedule

Remote working offers the capability to develop your own work schedule, whether you’re more of an early morning individual or a night owl.

In addition, developing your own schedule can also permit you to be flexible when it comes to your living scenario.

Being in charge of your work schedule comes in useful when dealing with clients in various time zones.

Payoneer’s recent research study of over 7,000 global freelancers discovered that those who work specifically as freelancers make more and are more pleased compared to those who split their time working for a business.

Greater satisfaction results in a better work-life balance, indicating you spend more time doing the things you enjoy.

4. Minimized Commute Time

The majority of freelancers never have to leave home in order to work, which is excellent for time management, individual health and the jam-packed roads out there– you might truly be assisting to conserve the environment!

With the transmission of coronavirus on everybody’s mind, freelancing places a limitation your time on public transport and allows you to work from home as lots of health officials have actually been strongly encouraging in the past weeks.

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Typically, Americans spend between $2,00 -$ 5,000 every year commuting to work. On the other hand, remote employees conserve more money by travelling less are more satisfied that travel for work is not essential.

Deciding to become a freelancer means you experience less day-to-day stress that comes with travelling long distances as the impacts of a long commute can interrupt both the beginning and end of your workday.

Sign Up With These Global Freelance Marketplaces

Online freelance marketplaces and websites are altering the way we work and among the best methods for freelancers to discover work is through marketplaces.

With a plethora of options out there, these platforms can link gifted freelancers and those who are just beginning with their next client, throughout the world.


If you are new to the freelance business workforce, there are numerous marketplaces available out there that focus exactly on specific fields.

Hence, whether you are a graphic designer, programmer content writer or, there’s a platform out there for every niche.

Here’s a list of the top 5 online marketplaces that are altering the freelance landscape.

1. Upwork


One of the most popular freelance business marketplace worldwide, Upwork offers plenty of tools to start your freelance journey and is likewise a popular choice for graphic designers, developers, and several other markets and industries.

The marketplace has more than 12 million active freelancers and 5 million customers listing about 3 million independent tasks a year.

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create your profile by signing up on the website, list your expertise and wait for a customer to hire you or you can proactively search the task boards for jobs that match your skills.

2. Fiverr


Fiverr may just be the best freelancing website for newbies to begin their profession. Fiverr works a bit in a different way if you didn’t currently understand.

Freelancers publish the services they can use for $5 (thus where the name five-err originates from) but do not worry, you can certainly charge more than $5.

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This website is an excellent area to showcase specific task skills such as developing a logo or coding an app. Oh, and it’s totally free to register!

3. PeoplePerHour


PeoplePerHour provides well-rounded freelancers a marketplace with a wide variety of categories such as web development, video, sales and marketing, translations and so much more.

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The platform concentrates on connecting its consumers with the ideal kind of individuals. In addition, this marketplace has a good track record among businesses for providing high-quality work and an even greater reputation amongst freelancers for offering high-paying gigs.

4. Toptal


Toptal is another unique network to start your freelance business. This platform houses top freelance designers, software developers, financial experts, and much more.

The marketplace is known to pay actually well, greater rates than other competitors. Their screening process can be a bit intense with customers accepting the leading 3% of designers– so it’s not as easy to get up and running on jobs.

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On the other hand, the difficult screening process shows how the marketplace just provides the highly certified skills to companies and businesses worldwide.

5. 99designs


This marketplace connects all freelance business owners who are website developers and graphic designers with clienteles worldwide.

Clients searching for top talent will supply design briefs for freelancers to get to work on and only once their work is approved will the freelancer get paid for.

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The marketplace reviews your work and subsequently rates you as either an entry-level, mid-level or top-level designer. On this platform, the higher your level, the more benefits you’ll unlock Just like in a game.

99 design is specifically a platform for designers. So, if you are an expert designer, join 99design today and provide from your expertise.

6. Freelancer is a great marketplace of ideas, talents, and skills whereby anybody can work on what they specialize in. it is a great place to kickstart your freelance business.

The website/marketplace has been in full operations for about six years now and ever since it was launched.

They have had many features and products to help both freelancers and employers to get their work done.

Due to the marketplace’s vastness, it sometimes seems to be too daunting for a beginner.


The coronavirus pandemic is forcing organizations to reassess how people work more than ever and work-from-home policies are ending up being more of the standard.

If anything, the existing wave of remote work will shift from being forced to more desirable upon employees worldwide.

For freelancers worldwide, the existing scenario presents a golden opportunity to not just earn extra earnings but to develop a sustainable way of living and broaden their skillsets to brand-new markets.

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What’d I Miss?

Is there anything I didn’t touch that you feel should be mentioned why workers should jump on this freelance business? Share with me in the comments, I’m excited to hear them!

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