Make Money Online Selling Products

How to Make Money Online Selling Products

The web has offered us the opportunity to make new good friends, get hired to work on projects or jobs, etc but how about earning money?

Are there methods to earn money online? Sure, there are. You just have to decide exactly what you desire to make money from.

There are numerous ways to earn or make money online and a lot of people have discussed and written about it. Nevertheless, today, our focus is on how to make money online selling products.

We’re concentrating on this method because while you can earn money online through a lot of channels, generating income selling an item or products is in fact among the best methods that we have seen.

So, how do you generate income online selling items?

How to make money online selling products?

Let get started with the actual products. You have to thoroughly choose what you want to sell. It’s often said that you should sell something you have a passion for, but do you actually require enthusiasm to excel?

Passion is excellent however you need to sell the most lucrative product that’s suitable for you. We say this since if selling stuff you want isn’t lucrative, what’s the point?

Also Read: How to Start Profitable Mini Importation Business

Think about selling items within your current knowledge area.

Do you want to offer PPE like virtually everybody is doing right now?

Do you want to sell children’s books?

Do you want to sell loungewear instead of “corporate wear” thinking about that the majority of us are home right now?

Would you rather study a specific market and look for gaps? E.g What if the returnees and migrants to your country miss out on some products they were used to? Baking items? Cooking utensils etc. just think outside the box and do the unusual.

What channel do you utilize to sell your products then?

Now that you have your item(s) sorted, we proceed to the channel. Channel of sale isn’t typically given much consideration and that’s absolutely wrong.

The sales Channel is usually as crucial as the actual product itself. The channel you use is often determined by the nature of the products you’re planning to sell.

make money online selling products

Flutterwave Store and other platforms are great channels for selling your products particularly physical products.

Flutterwave Store is one of the best and the simplest way to release and manage an e-commerce service that accepts payments from anywhere in the world without creating a site, knowing how to code, etc.

One good thing about Flutterwave Store is that it permits you to submit products, set products prices and (in some markets) have their incorporated shipment partners pick up when you have an order and provide to your customer.

Flutterwave Payment Links is a better channel for digital items. With Flutterwave Payment Links, you can add a download link to your receipt/response to customers so they can download as soon as they’ve paid you.

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of channels out there that you can utilize but we’ve highlighted the ones we trust. We understand that either of them is an awesome method for you to sell your products online.

How do you get your products seen?

Marketing is a vital part of selling products online because while countless individuals hang out day-to-day on the social media apps, for example, almost none of them are on social media to be sold to.

However, you must sell your products. To market your items, start with social media.

First thing first, create a social media page for your business venture and utilize your Flutterwave Store link or Flutterwave Payment Link as the website in your social media bio.

this is necessary since you want to make the purchasing procedure smooth for your customers and also available even when you’re not available for a discussion with the client.

How to Make Money Online Selling Products

Write content your potential customers are craving for. What this does for you is that in addition to genuinely helping your existing consumers, you bring in new clients to your business.

Clients looking to buy clothes are most likely interested in knowing about what clothes are suitable for what occasions. You do not need a blog for this, you can create and publish this content on social media.

Share your store on online forums. ‘Forums’ like Quora, Nairaland, etc, see a lot of traffic of people asking a range of questions about various items and pressing issues.

You have to be really practical and active on these online forums since simply spamming everybody with your store link might just get you banned and would most likely turn individuals off.

Post on Classifieds Websites. Sites like OLXJiji, etc offer consumers the chance to satisfy all types of merchants so you want to be there where your consumers are.

Make use of great quality photos, clear descriptions, and do not forget to add your shop link so that they can constantly make purchases even when you’re not available.

Create a mailing list. Since you get to maintain a direct interaction link with customers who have bought from you, a mailing list allows you to grow consumer retention.

With Flutterwave, you can connect a Mailchimp account (it’s free for up to 2000 contacts). You can link it such that every customer that purchases from you immediately subscribes to your Mailchimp list. You can learn how to do that here.

There’s a lot more you can actually do. however for a start, this is it. You’re well on your way to make money online selling products.

Once again, you need to research what products are best for you to sell, then select the most suitable channel for selling, then get your items seen.

It’s not going to be that easy, however, it’s possible. Farm Outlets, Mmirinzo, and many more have shown us that it’s possible.

Also Read: 4 Practical Ways to Make Money Online

In this journey, you will certainly fail a couple of times which is a normal thing to businesses around the world but be rest assured that the guideline set forth here is working for people out there and you can always connect with us for assistance. Here’s what you need to do right now:


  1. Musa Ishaq
    • Ini Patrick

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