15 Small Business Marketing Ideas

15 Small Business Marketing Ideas

Need small business marketing ideas to grow your small business?

Small business owners often have a tight marketing budget. 

This can be complicated when trying to promote your business, or when you are a communications professional responsible for managing and bringing results to those businesses.

Here in this article, we are going to look at 15 small business marketing ideas that will possibly increase marketing efforts for small businesses without needing a large or considerable budget.

Have good inspirations:

1 – Content Marketing

The value of content marketing is too good to be ignored. Content is king or queen, for all companies, and the right content can increase local SEO and make the company found online.

Create good content on the site, including an About Us page, products and services and blog posts.

2 – Google My Business

Google My Business profile - Small Business Marketing Ideas
Google My Business profile

Especially for local businesses, a Google My Business profile has become one of the most effective free marketing strategies available.

This free listing allows your business to appear on Google Maps, the local Google Search section and the Google Search side panel.

To get more exposure on relevant searches from nearby customers, completely fill out your Google profile and optimize each section.

Also Read: Digital Entrepreneurship: What It Is, How To Start And Reasons To Venture!

3 – Visual Marketing

Harnessing the power of the visual medium is important to generate greater marketing success on social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram.

Unfortunately, only a few small businesses have discovered the real potential of using these sites to create a large online audience, and take full advantage of them.

No matter what business segment you are in, visual marketing is a free creative marketing idea to connect with your target audience and help you quickly reach your marketing goals.

4 – Video Marketing

Videos are a popular free marketing tactic for small businesses. Although it can cost a lot to get a professional video recording and upload it to YouTube, there is no need to hire a professional for all moments and videos. 

Video marketing can be easy to do for yourself on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook.

Videos can help establish that vital connection with your audience. Get behind the scenes and be creative with this free marketing tactic. 

Prepare a script to follow, but remember that a little humor never hurts, because on social media people want entertainment and information.

Add a brand message or personal message, as appropriate. End with a strong call to action, always make something clear for people to do, something like: check out our website! Call to make an appointment! Order your birthday cake today!

If possible, distribute the video on all possible channels, including social media and video hosting sites.

ALSO READ: 5 Ultimate Digital Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses

5 – Cross-posted on Social Media

Social media platforms are the perfect free marketing tool to promote business. 

Cross-publishing your posts on social media is an effective way to display your content to a large number of people.

Make sure that customers can find you on all social media channels, including links to their profiles in the header, footer or on the About Us page of the website.

To save time, you can schedule your posting on social media with social media management tools such as hootsuite which allows you to schedule posts on several social networks at the same time.

6 – Email Newsletters

15 Small Business Marketing Ideas - Newsletter Marketing
Email Newsletters

Email marketing through informational newsletters remains one of the reliable ways to obtain a strong return on your investment. 

Personalized and targeted email content should form the core of any email newsletter strategy.

No matter what is said in the email, the most important thing is to ensure that you are creating compelling subject lines for the emails.

7 – Involvement in Social Media

Increasing the involvement of social media and building an online community is important for the growth of a company. 

It is a long way to raise awareness about the name and brand recognition in your local market.

Some companies use sweepstakes or contests, offer coupons and offer discounts to users on social media to boost sales. 

Some engage in direct dialogue to understand their customers’ feelings.

Whatever your motivation, check if the project is active on social media, especially focusing on: consistency, community, collaboration and commitment.

ALSO READ: Social Media For Small Businesses: Complete Step-By-Step Guide

8 – Segment Partnerships – Small Business Marketing Ideas

One of the main benefits of developing industry partnerships is to double your marketing efforts and gain access to extra resources, such as tools and technologies, and a wider audience. 

There is power in numbers and, with a partner, it is possible to achieve marketing goals that would not be likely on their own.

Industry partnerships are a great marketing tactic as it allows small business owners to access marketing knowledge, technology and the customer base that they could not have achieved on their own.

Find out what to expect from a partner, ask questions, look for possible partners, evaluate how you can work together and then form the most important partnership.

9 – Use Hashtags

One of the free small business marketing ideas is to incorporate hashtags into your social media and marketing strategy on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and other networks.

Thinking of hashtags like #marketing, #startups or #businesses can generate specific conversations for small businesses.

If you are looking for tips on how to meet small business owners with similar ideas,

Try #networking, where you will find relevant advice and information about networks and how to make connections online.

Something important is to share ideas and content using your own hashtags, creating some of the segment, your products, the region and even the name of the company.

ALSO READ: 5 Social Media Tips For Small Businesses

10 – Tag Users on Social Media

Tagging someone on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook is an effective and free marketing tool for a business.

Tagging extends a business’s organic reach to a new potential audience, helps increase its followers and win more customers.

Incorporating tagging into the social media strategy as a free marketing tool is a very sure strategy for organic reach to grow.

11 – Organize or Participate in Events

Share experiences in the business area or demonstrate the features and benefits of a small business by organizing a class, event or presentation.

There are several free marketing tools that facilitate the planning and promotion of an event for a company. You can even use Facebook events on the company’s web page.

If it is not possible to organize an event, participating in local events can be useful for a business. Because, you never know where to find your next client or business partner!

12 – Blog for the Company

15 Small Business Marketing Ideas - blog SEO

Small businesses can use blogs to drive traffic to their websites, increase user engagement and improve online visibility and SEO.

Blogs are a proven method for promoting a small business online and a wonderful way to tell stories about a company and provide useful information for potential customers.

Talking about a company is not difficult, and you can create quality content that is useful to your audience. Blog posts don’t have to be long and complex.

ALSO READ: 25 Things Service Businesses Can Sell Online

13 – Organize a Live or Webinar

Lives are a free way to promote business, providing useful information to potential interested customers. 

Web conferencing platforms such as Google Hangouts, Zoom … allow you to broadcast a webinar with just a few clicks of the button. 

Or use the lives of Instagram, Youtube or on a Facebook page.

Make sure to promote the webinar or live on social media or via an email newsletter one to two weeks before the event and include reminders for subscribers so they don’t miss out. Simply tell them well in advance that you will do something.

14 – Attend Industry Events – Small Business Marketing Ideas

Attending industry fairs, local events and conferences is a smart way to take a small business to the next level. 

These events bring together business minds who want to find new marketing strategies to expand their business.

It is also a way of interacting with like-minded people and developing new B2B contacts. 

In addition, these events have exclusive content designed to enhance skills in sales, social media, advertising and other contemporary ways of promoting small businesses.

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15 – Connect with Bloggers and Influencers

The identification and contact with bloggers and popular influencers gained strength a few years ago,

when certain public relations agencies realized that the popularity of some blogs had surpassed that of conventional media. 

Once you start building trust and building relationships with bloggers and blog networks, you can have strategic business partners.

Content marketing and small business blogging are two powerful tools for marketing success – put them together and you’ll have the perfect free marketing tools for a small business marketing ideas.

Establishing relationships with bloggers and influencers who can try out products or services and write about it on your blog, or promote on your social media channels will be very beneficial.


Did you get inspiration from any of these small business marketing ideas?

Try some of them to generate results for your business or the customers you serve.


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