Content Marketing Do You Know How to Use a Content Hub (2)

Content Marketing: Do You Know How to Use a Content Hub?

content hub is a destination where website visitors can find branded, curated, social media, user-generated, or any type of content related to a topic

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

To carry out a solid content strategy, many solutions exist. However, to maximize your chances of success, you have to be perfectly organized.

This is possible thanks to the establishment of a Content Hub, in other words a content platform. 

How does it works?

What are its strengths? 

Here’s everything you need to know to use a Content Hub.

What is a Content Hub?

We know the English word “hub”. We associate it with very large airports such as Atlanta or Chicago. “Hub” means the main center or place. A Content Hub is therefore a center that welcomes all your multimedia content.

A Content Hub is a content platform on which you gather all of your web content and all your multimedia files. So when you need elements to create a communication campaign, visuals for an article or even content for the newsletter, you can go to your content platform.

Good to know

A Content Hub is essential for all businesses because it brings together but also pools product content such as product sheets, logos and various articles. It is a basis for carrying out your content marketing strategy.

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How to set up a Content Hub?

A Content Hub is quite similar to a site. This can have access to all and/or restricted access.

content hub - What to put on the content platform?

The good idea

Indeed, the contents intended for your audience can be in free access, and at the same time, you can create a reservoir of contents at the disposal of the collaborators so that these last can communicate effectively and especially in a uniform way. The content is sorted by theme, in chronological order, or by type of content.

Each Content platform must have quality hosting that will allow a large number of simultaneous connections. Indeed, it is not uncommon for the content platform to be consulted by:

  • Internet users, customers, prospects looking for information,
  • employees who want elements to communicate,
  • distributors who want information for their customers.

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What to put on the content platform?

On a Content platform, you have to gather all your content. However, those that will be accessible to the general public will be the most relevant and of course the qualitative content.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the content that you can include on your Content Hub.

  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Pictures
  • Logos (in different formats and sizes)
  • Elements of the graphic charter
  • Infographics
  • Audio and podcast content
  • Ebooks
  • Webinars
  • Case studies
  • Social media content
  • Curate content (content chosen on a theme and then published)
  • User generated content

It is essential to organize content perfectly on a Content Hub. All users should be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

How to Best Use the Content Hub?

Having a Content platform has many advantages. One of them is to centralize your expertise. Of course, you can stay present on social networks and other content platforms like YouTube, but your content platform, if it is complete, will also allow you to have more traffic.

Best Use the Content Hub

You must offer high-quality content. The organization, layout, and ergonomics must be pleasant in order to retain your audience. If the experience on your Content platform is good, then people will come back. Also, do not hesitate to retain your audience by regularly offering new content.

Good to know

Thanks to your data, you will quickly know the type of content that attracts the most Internet users, but also those who have a high bounce rate or an attractive conversion rate. This information will then allow you to create content that meets the expectations of the people who follow you.

Consider doing keyword work including on your Content Hub. Social networks will reference this content and it is therefore essential to respect SEO rules to have the best possible ranking.

In general, the creation of a Content Hub considerably improves SEO.

Content Hub and Social Networks

Even if you choose to create a Content Hub, it is wise to remain present on social networks. These allow you to get feedback on your publications and better understand the needs of your audience. You can even interact with people who follow you!

The content platform also allows you to better manage the publications of your social networks and to attract your audience to your Content Hub. Do not hesitate to modify the content in order to best adapt to each social network and show consistency!

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