Marketing Strategies Everything You Need to Know About the Art of Winning and Retaining Customers

Marketing Strategies: Everything You Need to Know About the Art of Winning and Retaining Customers

Marketing strategies have proven to be the most effective for business growth over the years. This article is designed to help you explore the best marketing strategies and tactics for any business situation.

Marketing is the process of attracting, converting, and retaining customers by generating value for a product, service, or brand. 

The goal of marketing is to satisfy the needs of the market and its consumers in order to create valuable relationships and generate profit through sales.

Have you ever wondered how some companies manage to attract so many customers? 

What do they do to stand out in the market? Why do their products sell so much, while others are stranded?

The secret to success is certainly marketing.

Those who dominate marketing know everything about the market: how to position themselves, how to win customers, how to deliver value to their audiences and, of course, how to generate profit and competitiveness with all this.

However, we are talking about a set of knowledge, it is not just about selling products. 

It covers a series of concepts, strategies, channels and methodologies, which are constantly changing over the years to adapt to social transformations.

To dominate the market , then, it is necessary to master this science. 

That’s why we’re going to talk now about everything you need to know from traditional advertising to digital marketing!

In this article, you will learn:

What is Marketing

Marketing is an area focused on generating value on the product, service or on the very brand of a business, with the objective of winning and retaining customers.

To understand what marketing is, then, we will use some names and institutions representative of the area.

The American Marketing Association (AMA), which represents marketers in the United States, provides the following definition:

What is Marketing?

“Marketing is the activity, the set of institutions and the processes to create, communicate, deliver and exchange offers that have value for consumers, customers, partners and society in general”.

This definition shows the scope of the marketing concept. Also note that the focus of this activity is not to sell products to customers, as many might think.

Marketing works with the generation of value, and this must happen in the perception of different audiences about the cost-benefit that the company delivers.

Already The Chartered Institute of Marketing , which represents the area in the UK, defines marketing as:

“The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer needs at a profit”.

There is an important contribution to understand what marketing is: the needs of the customer.

They are inherent to the human being – it is not marketing that creates them. 

However, this activity must know how to perceive people’s needs and awaken the desire to supply them.

This definition is in line with what Philip Kotler says, who defines marketing as: “the science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a profitable target audience.

Marketing identifies unmet needs and wants. It defines, measures and quantifies the market size and profit potential. 

It points out which segments of the company are able to serve the best and creates and promotes the most appropriate products and services. ”

In a nutshell, he defines that marketing is “meeting needs while generating profit.”

These definitions also do not miss the central objective of companies: profit

After all, this is what guarantees your survival and competitiveness in the market – and that is one of the reasons for the existence of marketing.

But it is worth mentioning that marketing can also be adopted by non-profit organizations – public institutions and NGOs, for example. 

In these cases, the objectives of marketing are to return in other ways, such as engagement or strengthening the brand.

Now, since we’re talking about marketing goals, let’s see a little more about them.

Marketing Objectives

Can you tell what marketing is for? Anyone who thinks that it only serves to sell products is wrong. The marketing goals can be much more comprehensive and help achieve different results for companies.

Let’s look at some of them now.

1. Sell more

Sell: yes, this is one of the main objectives of marketing for organizations that put products or services on the market.

It is the role of marketing, then, to prepare strategies so that they meet the needs of customers and increase the chances of successful sales.

2. Build Customer Loyalty

But the role of marketing does not end with sales. The company must remain close to the customer so that he does not forget the brand and comes back to buy again.

It is worth remembering a classic phrase: retaining customers is much cheaper than attracting new buyers.

3. Increase Visibility

Another objective that marketing helps to achieve is to increase the visibility of the brand and its products.

However, there is no point in seeking visibility with an audience that has nothing to do with the company. To optimize marketing investments, strategies must be focused on the right people: those who are most likely to become customers.

4. Manage a Brand

Marketing is all about branding . Building a brand happens in the minds of consumers .

And, in order for them to absorb the brand image, it needs to make its values ​​and purposes tangible through marketing strategies – in a piece of advertising and in the pricing of products, for example.

5. Build Good Relationships

Marketing is also all about relationships. By strengthening ties with its audiences (not just customers, but also partners, employees, etc.), a company is able to strengthen its brand.

Sales and loyalty are a consequence of this process.

6. Educate The Market

Content production is at the heart of marketing today. Blog posts, magazine and newspaper articles, social networks, and other channels help to create brand authority while educating consumers about the solutions the company offers.

The intention is not to sell the product directly, but to show how it can be useful.

7. Engage Employees

Marketing strategies don’t just aim outside the company. Within its borders, there is an audience that is essential for the success of the business: the employees.

Therefore, marketing – or better, endomarketing – can also help to engage the internal public, make them happier with their work and make them propagators of the brand.

The Origin of Marketing

There is no official milestone for the emergence of marketing. But we can say that it exists – not yet as a field of knowledge, but in everyday practice – as long as people exchange goods with each other.

Marketing has been going on since the early civilizations. But it is at the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Urban and Commercial Renaissance (around the 15th century) that cities begin to grow and consolidate commercial practices.

Later, in the 18th century, the Industrial Revolution began to radically transform society, the economy and ways of living in the city.

With the appearance of factories, some theories and methods of business administration also appear , in search of greater efficiency and productivity.

From that moment, with a high production, the challenge was to find demand for the products. Thus, sales and distribution practices begin to be developed – and there we begin to enter the art of marketing.

But it is only in the twentieth century, with the continuation of the Industrial Revolution and the consolidation of the market economy , that marketing takes hold.

The rise in competition, the demand for new products and the growth of cities brought about the need to establish a relationship between producers and buyers, which would stimulate the demand for a company’s products.

And it was at this time, at the beginning of the 20th century, that marketing became a discipline and suggested the first correspondence and face-to-face courses at renowned universities, such as New York University, according to the studies of Paul D. Converse (1945).

But it is necessary to put yourself at that time: everything was still very new.

For this reason, marketing did not yet have the vision it has today, of knowing the public, segmenting the market and meeting needs. The intention was just to sell!

In this context, many malicious practices were adopted to deceive consumers, who ended up buying “cat in a poke”. And that generated a negative image about what marketing is.

At that time, some scholars also began to analyze the effect of marketing and advertising .

Walter Dill Scott, for example, studied the psychology applied to advertising and its persuasive (even hypnotic) character. He developed advertising strategies that were widely used by companies at the beginning of the century.

It was only afterwards, with the maturing of consumers, that companies began to worry about consumer satisfaction.

Peter Drucker, considered the father of modern management, is one of the authors who directs the focus of business management on people, which already demonstrates that companies should not “sell at any cost”.

Philip Kotler, the biggest reference in current marketing, follows this line. In 1967, he launched his classic “Marketing Management”, which places this area as a central and vital point for companies.

They should be oriented towards the customer and the market, not just looking at their own production.

It is with this mentality, then, that marketing emerges as we conceive today. From there, the consumer becomes the center of attention.

But Kotler himself points out that marketing does not stop: it is constantly evolving, because it follows changes in society’s behavior .

And if technology is increasingly increasing the speed of change, you can imagine that the pace of marketing is also accelerating.

Marketing History Timeline

Now, let’s see the main facts that marked the history of marketing, which mixes with the history of technology and the media. Let’s go to our timeline:

1447 : Gutenberg creates the printing press, or typography. This invention revolutionizes the dissemination of information and ideals. Luther’s Protestant Reformation, for example, was propagated using the newly invented press.

1609 : Germany publishes the first printed newspaper as a periodical publication. This means of communication will be important, later, to promote products and services in classifieds and other advertising spaces .

1730: Magazines also appear as periodicals and become another channel for information, entertainment and advertising.

1880: With the Belle Époque artistic vein, posters become popular as a means of dissemination through city streets. Later on, they will be important vehicles for war propaganda in Western Europe, the Soviet Union, and the United States. Following the posters, billboards also appear in larger formats.

1920: The radio appears. At that time, many people questioned the printed media, since the radio was much more interesting and cheap – they didn’t even imagine all the technology that was yet to come.

1930: Open television broadcasts begin. If the radio was already a threat to print, TV was seen as the end of newspapers and magazines (which definitely didn’t happen).

1941: The first TV commercial airs. In this media, advertising gains high penetration and persuasion power .

1942: Nestlé opens an exclusive channel for communication with the consumer, the Family Collaboration Service.

1970: Telemarketing becomes a common practice for selling products and services to consumers. PABX systems ( Private Automated Branch Exchanges ) allowed companies to have as many extensions as needed to make the calls.

1981: IBM launches the first personal computer, the IBM PC 5150. Thus, the use of digital media by people and companies began to become popular. A little later, in 1984, Apple launches its first Macintosh, highlighting the legendary launch commercial that also made history in marketing.

1991: Tim Berners-Lee creates the world wide web (or World Wide Web ). The invention was intended to democratize knowledge. But the web went further: it eliminated the frontiers of communication and marketing and accelerated the speed of change in the world.

1995: Amazon and eBay are born, the first online sales sites, which later became e-commerce giants .

1996: The world’s first webmail service, Hotmail, is launched. The service popularizes direct communication between companies and people, but it also explodes spam.

1998: Google is born. It is not the first invented search engine, but founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin innovate by using an algorithm ( PageRank ) that organizes pages by relevance, instead of just sorting them in alphabetical order as their competitors did.

1998: Blogs appear. Initially, they look more like personal diaries. Later on, corporate blogs will become important content marketing tools for companies.

2000: Google launches Adwords to allow the inclusion of sponsored links in the search. This advertising format is a classic of paid media on the Internet, which is still widely used today.

2003: The United States signs the Can-Spam Act, the first treaty against sending unsolicited email marketing.

2004: Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook, a small university social network that would revolutionize social relations and become a great business platform.

2005: YouTube is launched, which becomes the internet video giant. A year later, it is acquired by Google.

2007: Steve Jobs launches the first Apple iPhone. This launch was a milestone to make smartphones more popular and for the world to become more mobile.

2009: Google starts testing self-driving cars – a milestone for the use of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.

2015: Google launches RankBrain, an algorithm based on machine learning to qualify the delivery of search results to users.

2015: The concept of Shared Economy – represented by businesses such as Uber, Airbnb, and Netflix – emerges, which introduces a new business model and a new way of consuming.


Philip Kotler explains in his books that marketing has gone through different phases . This is because the activity follows the evolution of the market, society, technology and, above all, consumer behavior, with whom it must create a connection.

Currently, we are in the fourth phase, called Marketing 4.0. Therefore, we have already gone through Marketing 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Next, you’ll know what they’re about.

However, don’t think that one stage comes to replace the other. There are still companies living in the previous phases, because they did not react to the changes.

But Kotler makes it clear that anyone who knows how to adapt to each moment has more chances of success in the market, okay?

So, follow the evolution now and think about what stage your company is.

Marketing 1.0

In Marketing 1.0, companies were focused on their production and their products. Basically, they looked only at their own navel.

We understand why this is when we look at the scenario in which this first phase is taking place.

We are talking about the first steps of marketing, when there were not so many products on the market, nor so many competing companies, and the consumer was still immature in terms of advertising.

So there was still no need to worry about brand building, market segmentation, let alone customization.

The solution was simple: spread the word , focusing on the functional attributes of the products, with media such as TV and radio to maximize visibility.

Marketing 2.0

In Marketing 2.0, we already see an evolution in the perception of companies. They stop looking only inside and realize that they need to understand the needs of consumers.

When identifying and serving them, companies would have demand for their products.

At that time, consumers were no longer a mass. They are already more mature and demanding with companies, which must rethink their strategies.

Thus, marketing starts to recognize that they have different needs and desires, that their products can supply.

Then, the notion of market segmentation arises. The role of this task is to define consumer groups, with common profiles and interests, and to define a target audience, which the strategies will target.

When approaching a specific group, companies reduce competition and reduce spending on mass marketing, which reached many consumers outside the business’s customer profile.

Marketing 3.0

In Marketing 3.0, the internet comes into play. Society becomes digital, connected, without borders. People gain the power to speak out on websites, blogs, and social networks and be heard on the other side of the world.

And so, the hierarchy of consumer relations is reversed – now consumers are in power.

In this scenario, once again, marketing had to adapt. It no longer makes sense to treat consumers by segment, or as targets. They are simply human beings, who want to be heard.

As human beings, consumers become unique. Therefore, companies must create personalized strategies for each person, according to their needs, pains, interests and behaviors.

And, to talk to people, brands must also assume human traits. It is in this sense that companies start to define values ​​and principles and get involved in social and environmental causes, demonstrating their humanity and concern for the future of the planet .

Consumers don’t just want companies that sell products anymore – they want brands that make commitments.

Marketing 4.0

If Marketing 3.0 appears in the age of the internet, Marketing 4.0 is marked by the digital economy. Connectivity has transformed society so deeply that Kotler identified the emergence of a new era, reported in his 2016 book “Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital”.

This is the stage we live in today, when the internet permeates every moment of our lives. Search, buy, study, chat, get informed – for all that, we use the internet.

For companies, this must also happen. The connectivity is transforming consumer relations, social patterns, and power structures. So, marketing must also enter the digital transformation.

But Kotler isn’t just talking about creating a Facebook page and sending email marketing, okay?

Marketing 4.0 consists of an understanding of this new hyperconnected scenario and the change of mindset of companies to a more inclusive, horizontal, and social logic.

This is a much more profound change than getting likes on social networks

Marketing and Advertising

The advertising is one of the marketing arms, which is part of the Promotion P, within the 4 Ps you’ll meet later in this article.

She is responsible for publicizing the company and the products to the consuming public and encouraging them to buy. This can happen through paid advertisements on TV, radio, billboards, social media, search engines, etc.

Marketing is much more comprehensive than that .

He deals with activities ranging from market analysis to measuring sales results, for example.

In this whole process, advertising is the persuasive tool that targets the public and helps generate demand for the company.

Marketing and Administration

Marketing is one of the pillars of administration, which also depends on people management, finance, logistics, sales, etc. Without one of these pillars, management is incomplete, and the company cannot move.

Kotler shows that marketing, as a central point of companies, is directly related to management and should direct its vision, mission, and strategic planning. It is no coincidence that he works with the concept of Marketing Management, an expression that gives his classic book its name.

From the perspective of Marketing Management, when companies change, the organization of marketing also changes. Therefore, marketing has already passed through the different management philosophies .

Now see what were the main ones and how marketing played its role:

Production orientation

It relates to the Marketing 1.0 phase, which we saw earlier. Companies look only inwards, in search of greater efficiency at the lowest possible cost, and focus on mass distribution.

In this orientation, marketing only deduces what the market needs, without deeply analyzing its demands.

Product orientation

It is also related to Marketing 1.0, but the focus is on the product and the total quality of production .

Marketing is concerned with delivering and propagating products with superior quality and performance, deducing that this is what consumers want.

Sales guidance

Here, companies start looking at the market, but are not yet concerned with understanding their needs.

Marketing is directly linked to sales: it must adopt a persuasive language, which makes consumers buy at any cost since they will not spontaneously do so. The problem? Nobody likes to feel pressured.

Marketing orientation

From here, we are talking about Marketing 2.0, focused on the customer. Management’s orientation towards marketing brings the vision of the market.

First, companies must understand what the market needs; then, they must develop strategies to meet the demands of the segments, in a way that differentiates them from competitors.

Orientation to holistic marketing

While the first three guidelines are already in limited use, the guidance for holistic marketing is the most contemporary approach.

According to this philosophy, marketing is broad and works with different areas of the company, with which it builds interdependence .

Marketing and Sales

Until Kotler’s ideas came to market, marketing was widely seen as synonymous with sales. However, these areas have different functions.

The sales team works at the final stage of the purchase journey. Its role is to stimulate decision-making when the customer is more mature.

To reach this point, however, he goes through the process of maturing with the marketing team, which had the role of attracting interested parties, strengthening the relationship with them and nurturing them with content.

The separation between the areas, however, caused a schism. In many companies, Marketing and Sales do not talk and still dispute who should receive the laurels of sales.

The truth is that this rivalry does not bring any benefit to the business. In the perspective of holistic marketing, the ideal is that the areas work collaboratively for the good of the company.

For this reason, the term sales marketing was created, with the intention of promoting integration and alignment between these sectors.

In the Inbound Marketing methodology, sales marketing helps to extract the best results, optimize the resources of the sales process and maintain a cohesive communication with the lead throughout the entire funnel.

Product Life Cycle

One of the most important concepts in marketing is the Product Life Cycle (CVP). Presented by Philip Kotler, it shows the harsh reality: nothing is forever.

Product Life Cycle

This is true for life, but also for products, product categories, brands, and markets. In general (it is not a rule), they go through four phases, which we will detail below.

Companies then need to adjust marketing strategies to the cycle and balance their product portfolio to go through these stages with the best use and without jeopardizing their operations.

Let’s see now what are the stages of a product’s life cycle :

1. Introduction

The first phase refers to the launch of the product on the market, after investing in research and development. Despite optimism, caution is needed.

Sales tend to be low, as the product is still being introduced, and the high costs of launching, publicizing and educating the market inhibit profitability.

2. Growth

In the growth phase, the product has already been accepted in the market and reaches a high demand. With consumer education, the desire for the product tends to increase exponentially!

Profits also have a substantial increase, as sales already begin to exceed advertising expenses.

3. Maturity

At maturity, sales and profits stabilize. The product is already known to most potential buyers, who no longer bring in new customers.

Competitors are also on the scene, and the dispute for consumer attention becomes more fierce, which may also start to lower profits.

4. Decline

As nothing lasts forever, the phase of decline comes. It usually happens due to changes in the market , such as new technology, the evolution of behaviors or the entry of a major competitor.

With ever-diminishing profits, it is time to renew the product, invest in new solutions or simply take the item off the market (it is also necessary to know the time to leave the scene …). # 5

4 Ps of Marketing: Understand the Marketing Mix

The 4 Ps concept of marketing, also called Marketing Mix, is one of the best known in the area. This is an operational marketing methodology, that is, it was created to take plans off the ground and put them on the street.

The 4 Ps, then, refer to the pillars of marketing tactics: Price, Place, Promotion and Product. They must be defined for each target segment that the company chooses, based on the brand positioning definitions for each one.

4 Ps of Marketing: Understand the Marketing Mix

Currently, there are still some revisions of this methodology, which include new Ps or other letters, such as the 8 Ps of Digital Marketing. But now we are here to show you what these four words mean to marketing.


The price of a product may appear to be just a number. But it says a lot about brand positioning.

If you choose to have the cheapest price on the market, this decision influences the public’s perception of your product and the purchase decision.

Therefore, the Price P should be set with an eye on profitability projections and competitors’ prices, but also on how the public will absorb this information.

In addition to the list price, you must also define discount and installment policies, which also affect customer perceptions and choices.


Square OP refers to the distribution of the product on the market.

After all, the places where products are sold determine how the consumer will have access to them and influence their purchase decision. If access is difficult, if the store is far from home or e-commerce takes too long to deliver, for example, he may give up on the purchase.

Therefore, you should think about a distribution that reaches your target audience in the most efficient way possible. Think about:

  • distribution channels;
  • number of intermediaries until the final customer;
  • location of distribution centers;
  • location of points of sale;
  • logistics management.


Promotion OP encompasses all communication actions, which make the connection between the brand and consumers and arouse interest in the product. The communication mix involves the following actions:

  • publicity;
  • public relations;
  • Press office;
  • direct marketing;
  • Digital marketing;
  • merchandising;
  • among others.


The product is what the consumer can see, touch, experience in relation to the brand, which is something intangible. So, it is essential that the product conveys the image that the brand propagated with the promotion – or the consumer experience will be frustrating .

In the Product P, then, the company must define points like these:

  • functional attributes;
  • emotional attributes associated with the product;
  • functions that he can perform;
  • product and packaging design;
  • level of production quality;
  • product branding.

Types of marketing

There are several types of marketing. Different marketing strategies, channels, and approaches can be adopted by organizations. And each of them can serve to achieve different objectives, talk to certain audiences and meet certain business needs.

Now, then, let’s look at some widely used types of marketing that you can apply to your business.

Inbound Marketing Strategies

An Inbound Marketing strategy – or attraction marketing – does not make the company go after consumers to sell its products, as with traditional advertising.

Instead, it tries to attract interested parties to turn them into leads and then convert them into customers, within what we call the sales funnel.

In this process, the creation of relevant content for the consumer is the main fuel to promote the relationship with the brand.

The HubSpot , for example, has become a reference in Inbound Marketing using this methodology.

The company produces a series of content to pique the interest of potential customers and then guide them through the funnel until they acquire their software.

Outbound Marketing

Unlike Inbound, Outbound Marketing is an active approach to prospecting customers.

The company identifies who has the potential to become a customer and uses different channels – such as website banners, social ads, TV ads and phone calls – to reach these people.

To have effective results with this strategy, it is necessary to invest in the segmentation and personalization of the message.

Otherwise, your approach will be widespread, and you will annoy people who have no interest in what your company has to say – just think about unwanted telemarketing calls to remember how poorly planned outbound marketing is inopportune.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is not a new strategy. Companies have long been producing materials that are relevant to their consumers.

Want an example?

Brastemp launched cookbooks when it started selling its microwaves. The intention was to educate and engage your audience, strengthen the relationship with them and generate more business opportunities.

It is with these same goals that Content Marketing is still used today. The difference is that this strategy gained a little boost from web 2.0, which popularized content production.

The same Brastemp, for example, is now on the internet, with content on the YouTube channel and on social networks, for example, to connect with the current consumer.

Here at Ini Patrick Notes, it is with the production of relevant content for our audience that we attract the interest of potential customers and build our authority in Content Marketing. It is no accident that you are here reading this post!

Digital marketing

Digital Marketing are the marketing strategies applied to electronic media – simple as that.

Websites, blogs, applications, social networks, emails, search engines and banners are not, in themselves, Digital Marketing – they are just channels that you can use to communicate and deliver value to consumers.

The online performance brought many gains for companies. With the possibility of collecting a multitude of data, they gained the power to segment the public and measure the results .

Even more interesting is that this is now possible for any company, even without astronomical budgets.

However, the difference between what is marketing and what is digital marketing is increasingly blurred. After all, the world is all connected!

So, adopting Digital Marketing is no longer a choice – it is a must for companies.

It is interesting to see how companies that have built their reputation in the offline world have successfully migrated to the internet. The Success Digest is a good example of a company that knew to incorporate Digital Marketing at retail to reap the best results.

Digital marketing

Interactive Marketing Strategies

The production of interactive content is focused on creating opportunities for interaction between the company and the public. In this way, it results in increased engagement and the promotion of valuable experiences.

In addition to these points, interactive strategies enable the collection of relevant data for marketing and sales teams, through the analysis of their responses in quizzes, infographics, calculators and other interactive formats.

An example of interactive content is the creation of interactive questionnaires that take the user to know more about his pains, then presenting blog posts that can help him along his journey.

Direct and Indirect Marketing Strategies

Although they seem opposite, direct and indirect marketing refer to different concepts.

Direct marketing – also called data marketing – consists of using a database to speak directly to a person. Examples of this are sending direct mail, email marketing, and telemarketing. In this type of strategy, personalization and relevance are rules for not harassing people.

But the indirect marketing refers to a brand awareness that has no advertising face. The intention is that the public does not realize that this is an intentional action by the company.

As well? It’s easy to understand when you think of one of the first game marketing actions: the insertion of McDonald’s kiosks in The Sims game.

Instead of placing an intrusive banner, the company inserted the brand in the context of the game, without disturbing the players’ experience.

Personal Marketing

Marketing is not just for companies and organizations, you know? The concept can also be applied to people, or better, to your personal brand.

It is with a personal marketing strategy that you develop and reinforce the image you want to convey to the world about yourself, according to your values, principles, characteristics, and skills.

Thus, you are remembered more easily and become a reference in what you do.

Marta, voted six times the best soccer player in the world, is a good example. She is the biggest reference of women’s football in Brazil not only for its technical quality but also for the simplicity posture, which she displays on a daily basis on her Instagram account.


Marketing must target all audiences that relate to the company, not just its customers. Therefore, there is a type of marketing that looks inside the business: endomarketing.

The strategies it covers focus on engaging the employees of a company and generating value for them, by creating a more pleasant and motivating work environment.

Tetra Pak has a good example of endomarketing.

Every year, the company promotes the Excellence Award, which rewards ideas for process improvements and motivates employees to engage in innovative solutions. They can be nominated by colleagues in four categories: customer, innovation, operation, and leadership.

Marketing of Relationship

We live in a time when consumers have a multitude of brand options to choose from and less and less time in their daily lives. That is why companies are investing in relationship marketing.

The intention is to strengthen ties with the public and prove useful, not just approach them to sell a product.

For this, it is necessary to accompany consumers in their shopping journey with interesting content, which helps them to mature their decision and get closer to the brand.

The Tecnisa construction, for example, adopts various strategies to raise the confidence of your audience. The decision-making for the purchase of a property is long and complex, so the company needs to be present before, during, and after the purchase.

Therefore, customers receive emails with photos of the works, receive gifts at every moment of the construction and are informed with transparency about the step by step of the process.

The result is an increase in sales by referral, even from customers who do not even live in their apartments.

Social Media Marketing

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other social networks have become essential channels for marketing. In the survey of the Social Media Trends 2019 survey, 96.2% of the companies claimed to be present on social networks.

Interactivity: this is the great asset of these platforms! Marketing in social networks is able to humanize a brand and strengthen the relationship with the public.

With the development of networks as business platforms, it is also possible to invest in sponsored posts and enhance the results of the company’s digital presence.

Disney, for example, created a campaign that shows the power of social networks. The company decided to donate $5 to an institution for each photo its followers published wearing Mickey’s ears with the hashtag #ShareYourEars.

This is an example of using interactivity to do good and aligning with brand values ​​- an example also of social marketing, which we will see below.

Guerrilla Marketing

Here is a type of marketing where creativity gains a lot of space! After all, it is necessary to be bold and innovative to get the public’s attention and win their applause. That is why guerrilla marketing is also one of the most challenging.

But, when done well, it tends to have a huge impact with great spontaneous dissemination.

Good cases in this area abound. UNICEF, for example, had an unusual idea: to sell dirty water on a machine in the middle of New York.

As well?

The intention was to raise donations and draw attention to diseases that can be caused by the consumption of untreated water, which is still common in different parts of the planet.

Social Marketing

Social marketing strategies come in the context of Marketing 3.0, which we talked about. If consumers demand that companies assume their responsibilities for the future of the planet, they must engage in social and environmental causes.

Thus, the actions must generate a positive impact for society and, at the same time, reinforce the brand values ​​to generate identification with the public.

But it is important to reinforce: it is not possible to remain alone in the speech – it is necessary to assume the commitment from end to end in the company.

There are currently several examples of what social marketing is. A cool case was Airbnb’s We Accept. The campaign was launched amid the controversy over the veto to immigrants by the U.S. government in 2017.

Against the grain of the decision, the company marked its position of including refugees and celebrating diversity.

Product Marketing

The product marketing is a type of marketing focused on generating demand for a certain product.

The intention is to analyze the market and competitors and define marketing strategies – competitive differential, price, positioning, target audience, advertising, etc. – in alignment with the strategic objectives of the business as a whole.

Nissin, a leader in the instant noodles segment, is an example.

For Cup Noodles, she created strategies focused on teenagers (unlike her other products), such as the launch of new flavors, actions at the point of sale, as well as a website and exclusive Facebook and Instagram pages for the product.

Multi-level Marketing

The multilevel marketing is based on the creation of a network of resellers , who is the sales force of the company.

These resellers are encouraged not only to sell the products (direct profit), but also to attract new resellers to increase their earnings (indirect profit), since they will receive on the sales they make.

Mary Kay is a classic example of a company that works based on multilevel marketing. The company’s efforts are focused on engaging dealers.

Marketing Environments

Whoever starts to work with marketing already wants to think about the product announcement or the store environment, right?

But, before these definitions, companies must make an analysis of the marketing environments .

That’s what we’re talking about when we say that a company is “market oriented”, you know? Market analysis allows the creation of more efficient strategies, since it identifies the internal and external factors that can influence the company’s performance.

The context involves two types of environments: the microenvironment and the macroenvironment. Let’s see what are they?


The microenvironment involves the company and the sector in which it operates.

The analysis must start with the company itself, observing its strengths and weaknesses, such as location, product mix, team, brand credibility, among others. It is important to realize that these factors are under the control of the business.

Then, the analysis must target the sector, which influences the company’s performance. The sectoral analysis involves competitors, suppliers, buyers, potential entrants, and possible substitutes.

The relationships in this chain – such as the level of rivalry between competitors and the bargaining power of suppliers, which make up Porter’s 5 forces – determine the company’s position within its market.


In the macro environment, we are talking about forces that influence the company, but are more distant. They can be grouped into six major environments:

  • economic;
  • political-legal;
  • technological;
  • demographic;
  • sociocultural;
  • Natural.

Trends related to these environments can strongly impact a business.

Uber, for example, is directly involved with legal issues in the regions where it operates, as in many places, legislation prohibits the service it offers.

Another example is the adaptation of Barbies to meet socio-cultural changes. The dolls, which previously followed only a standard of beauty, started to include black, fat, redheads and people with disabilities.

Realize that here the factors are not controllable by the company. Therefore, it is up to it to monitor the external scenario and adapt its controllable (internal) variables to the changes in the context.

Marketing Channels

How are you going to get your product to the final consumer? Believe me: there are many options besides selling directly to him.

This path is followed through the marketing channels, which are responsible for transmitting the product to its final destination. They are part of P de Praça in the marketing mix, which we presented earlier.

The intention is that this journey is carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible, so that the customer has access to the purchase on the spot and within the expected period.

Marketing channels can be divided according to the number of (intermediate) levels through which the product passes:

  • At level 0, the sale takes place directly from the manufacturer to the consumer;
  • At level 1, the product leaves the manufacturer and passes through the retailer (1) until it reaches the consumer;
  • At level 2, the product leaves the manufacturer and passes through the wholesaler (1) and the retailer (2) until it reaches the consumer;
  • At level 3, the product leaves the manufacturer and passes through the seller (1), the wholesaler (2) and the retailer (3) until it reaches the consumer.

Think, for example, of Dell sales: they operate at level 0 when the consumer buys directly from the company’s website or through telesales. A travel agency, on the other hand, can be understood as a level 1 retailer, since it sells tour packages from operators (manufacturer) to the end customer.

Also note that the more levels the marketing channels have, the greater the capillarity of their distribution. On the other hand, bargain relationships (which may impact the final price of the product) and the distance between the manufacturer and the final consumer increase.

Marketing Strategies: How to Create a Good Marketing Plan

Anyway, now that you know how to analyze the market, you already know the main concepts and types of marketing that exist, are you ready to elaborate your marketing strategies?

So, let’s see how to make your marketing plan the best way. This planning can target the brand or a specific product of the company.

Strategies: How to Create a Good Marketing Plan

With this plan, the company will have a concrete tool to guide the implementation of its strategies and remain competitive. In other words, the plan’s role is to guide the company from strategies to action!

But understand that the marketing plan is the planning documentation . Therefore, the analysis of the microenvironment and the macroenvironment, in addition to the definition of the target segments and the positioning of the brand must come before the plan is drawn up.

Then, the plan will show how your company will perform in the face of the scenario and according to your strategic definitions.

Now, then, see the main points that should appear in the plan, but that may vary according to the needs of each business.

Strategic Planning Definitions

The marketing plan must begin with the definitions of the company’s strategic planning. This encompasses the brand’s mission, vision, and values, in addition to the company’s objectives and goals.

Description of the Analysis of the Marketing Environment

Do you know that environment analysis we talked about earlier? It’s time to document the main information and insights you have extracted from the observations.

The plan should highlight the main threats and opportunities from the external environment and the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment. You can use the SWOT analysis framework for this.

Targeting Settings

The marketing plan must also indicate which target audiences the company will work with, based on market segmentation, and which position it will adopt for each one. At this point, it can also be interesting to create the persona with whom your strategies will communicate.

Marketing Mix Definitions for Each Segment

Then, it’s time to define the 4 Ps marketing strategies: Price, Place, Promotion and Product. This must be done for each segment and according to the brand positioning for each one.

Execution Chronogram

The execution schedule is essential to get the marketing plan off the ground. In this part, you must define a calendar, with dates and deadlines, in addition to those responsible for each activity and the resources that they will require.

Performance Indicators

The definition of performance indicators is one of the main points of the marketing plan. It is with them that you will check if your strategies have achieved the desired results, in alignment with the company’s strategic objectives.

Marketing Tools

The marketer needs to work with good tools. They are essential to optimize work, bring more efficiency, reduce failures and generate more intelligence for the marketing sector.

Now that we are in the digital age, access to good tools has become easier, as it is possible to hire these services in the cloud, which ensures more security and accessibility to data.

We will now show you which platforms, free or paid, are indispensable for your day to day.


Having a good Customer Relationship Management system can greatly improve the relationship with your customers, at all points of contact during the purchase journey. The RD Station CRM and Pipedrive are good examples of tools for this.

Marketing Automation

A marketing automation tool allows you to define automated actions for the entire sales funnel, such as triggering emails and publishing content. This is essential to increase the productivity of the team on a daily basis and to escalate their sales. The RD Station and Hubspot can help a lot in that.

Data Analysis

You can no longer imagine marketing without data analysis. They are essential for decision making and risk reduction, in addition to pointing out opportunities for improving the performance of strategies.

The Google Analytics is the most complete and well – known tool, but Hotjar can also help with their heat maps.

E-mail Marketing

Email marketing is an essential communication channel for relationships with the public and for nurturing leads. Work with tools that automate shipments and allow you to segment shipments, personalize messages and create efficient layouts.

The MailChimp is a tool with many features that are quite affordable.


Want to reach Google’s top positions? So, you will need the support of tools that analyze keywords, backlinks, and search engine positions, such as SEMrush.

Google also offers a free tool that helps you analyze your own website, Google Search Console .

Paid Media

Promotion OP should also cover paid media strategies on the web. The main ad platforms – Google Ads and Facebook Ads – offer a high level of audience segmentation and measurement of results.

Social Media Management

Managing all your brand profiles on social media can be quite a lot of work. However, a social media management tool facilitates this work, by centralizing the publication and monitoring in one place.

The mLabs , for example, works well for this.

Competition Analysis

Which company doesn’t like to take a peek at what’s going on in the competition? There are several tools for analyzing the competition on the web. SEMrush, for example, helps to understand the strategies used by the competition.

Marketing Professional

After all, is the marketer a marketer? In general, we do not use this expression because it has a pejorative tone, as if naming someone who wants to sell at any cost.

Therefore, this professional can be called, simply, a marketing professional!

In many companies, he can work alone in the field – this is the infamous marketing “I-team”, in which the marketer becomes a generalist. It meets all demands, from the creation of posts for social networks to the strategic planning of the company.

In this case, companies look for marketing analysts. The Content Trends 2018 survey showed that this is the main job of marketers in most of the companies interviewed (45.6%).

If you intend to be that professional, you must have a versatile profile to do a little of everything.

Especially in small companies, you will have to learn fast and be very proactive to get your hands dirty, without waiting for a mentor – after all, the business owner has many other things to think about.

In addition, the marketer needs to have an analytical profile , guided by metrics and focused on results, as this will always be part of their daily lives, even if they seek specialization in some area.

However, most companies (36.4%) have 2 to 5 employees within the marketing team, a number that generally increases as the structure becomes more robust. In this case, the teams break up into other functions, which marketers can also occupy:

  • social network analyst;
  • content analyst;
  • SEO analyst;
  • paid media analyst;
  • designer;
  • marketing manager or coordinator;
  • marketing director (CMO);
  • among other positions.

In those cases where the team includes several professionals, the manager looks for specialists in their areas. Therefore, if you want to pursue a career in marketing with larger companies, it is interesting to seek specializations in the areas in which you are most interested.

But if you are the manager who is looking for information to assemble a marketing team, it is important to understand the stages of a marketing team to assemble the right team for your business. To increase the maturity of your team, it is also essential to invest in training.

They guarantee the constant qualification of employees, not only to improve performance in their positions, but also to be able to take on new positions in the hierarchy (including management), which increases as the team grows.# 12

Learn More About Marketing

Marketing does not stop. At all times, a new methodology, a new tool, a new channel for communicating with the public appears.

And how are marketers? Keep an eye on new content to stay updated and informed!

Therefore, we want to indicate here some courses, content and materials that will help you to delve into various marketing themes . They will help you better understand the concepts and apply them in your daily life.

Check out our tips now.

Marketing Courses

There are several marketing courses, paid or free, face-to-face or distance, beginners or advanced. See now the courses that we recommend the most.

Udemy University

Udemy courses will help you understand everything about Digital Marketing. Start with free training, such as the Inbound Marketing Certification, and then take a Premium Certification, such as the SEO Course.

You can also purchase a package with all courses and become a complete professional!

Graduation in Marketing

To become a professional who graduated in marketing, you must have a bachelor’s degree in the area. Several institutions, public or private, offer Marketing or Business courses with an emphasis on Marketing.

Postgraduate Studies

Graduate studies are the chance to specialize or, if you are not trained in the area, to enter marketing.


At Google Digital Garage, you learn from the internet giant everything about Digital Marketing. Study, for example, about the fundamentals of Digital Marketing and understand the basic concepts of machine learning, among many other topics.

Movies on Marketing Strategies

Do you want to join marketing and entertainment? We also brought some movie tips to learn about marketing in a lighter and more inspiring way. Check out!

1. Thanks for Smoking (2005)

Thank you for Fumar narrates the context of one of the most perverse industries in the world and its persuasive strategies to influence the habits of society to be in favor.

2. The Man Who Changed the Game (2011)

Brad Pitt plays the coach of a decaying baseball team. He turns the tables when, contrary to expectations, he hires a professional statistician.

A great idea to apply to marketing your business, isn’t it?

3. Hunger for Power (2016)

It tells the origin of one of the biggest brands in the world: McDonald’s. Observe the protagonist’s persuasion strategies, market expansion, distribution and concern for the brand.

4. Chef (2014)

With a light and fun language, he tells the story of a chef who left a renowned restaurant to open his food truck, with all the challenges of attracting customers to this new business.

5. Joy (2015)

Jennifer Lawrance plays the entrepreneur Joy Mangano, who became known for inventing the Miracle Pop mop and facing all the challenges to make it a sales success.

6. The Godfather

The classic trilogy is a lesson in negotiation strategies, with Don Vito Corleone’s infallible tactics. Knowing how to negotiate with customers, partners, suppliers, and employees is one of the important skills for the marketer, did you know?

7. Love for Contract (2009)

Although the Portuguese title indicates that it is a romantic film, “The Joneses”, as it was originally called, presents the logic of marketing by influence in a slightly more bureaucratic and personal way.

Throughout the narrative, we are introduced to a fake family, in which each of its components is paid to advertise products in their social media.

8. The Social Network (2010)

The Social Network tells about the beginning of Facebook. It is a must for anyone who wants to understand how the network emerged and became an internet giant.

Books – Marketing Strategies

Good reading can change the way you see things, right? So we also have some essential book tips for marketers.

1. Marketing Administration (Philip Kotler)

It’s the marketing bible , so this book must be in your library. Launched in 1967, this book is a classic by Philip Kotler, which brings an innovative view on marketing that continues today: the focus on consumers.

2. Marketing 3.0 (Philip Kotler)

In this book, Kotler discusses the changes that the internet has brought to society and consumer behavior and how marketing should adapt to it. It is another must-read for anyone who wants to understand the current scenario.

3. The Purple Cow (Seth Godin)

Seth Godin is a renowned marketing professional in the United States and one of the most creative authors in the field. In this book, he shows you how to create remarkable businesses in competitive markets.

4. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (Al Ries and Jack Trout)

With irreverence and creativity, Al Ries and Jack Trout show the laws that companies need to follow in order to be successful in marketing. The book features several cases to show what works and what doesn’t.

5. The Blue Ocean Strategy (W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne)

In this book, the authors invite readers to rethink their marketing strategies by creating niche markets (the blue ocean) and making competition irrelevant.

6. The Long Tail (Chris Anderson)

Chris Anderson presents the long tail strategy, a concept that you will hear a lot about in Digital Marketing. The long tail refers to niche strategies , which tend to have less competition, less costs and more public loyalty in relation to massification.

7. Contagion: Why things stick (Jonah Berger)

If you’ve ever wondered why some content goes viral and some don’t, Jonah Berger can help find the answer. The author unveils the science of online “contagion”, which spreads information exponentially and influences people’s decisions.

8. Believe me, I’m lying (Ryan Holiday)

In fake news time, Ryan Holiday’s work is extremely relevant to the market. In the book he reveals the dark side of the media and how he managed to manipulate the press. As the current journalism is more concerned with links and views, many news without credibility end up taking unimaginable proportions.


We are suspicious to speak, but blogs are rich sources of information and data about marketing. Now see some cool links for you to follow.

1. Ini Patrick Notes Blog

We are the most complete blog on Content Marketing on the web. We cover here all marketing themes, with a focus on Digital Marketing, content and SEO.

2. Think With Google

This is the Google intelligence blog, which brings several studies and analyzes on marketing and consumer behavior.

3. World of Marketing

One of the most renowned sites in the area. You can read the latest market news, expert articles and, in Premium access, check data and research.

4. Digital Results

The blog of Resultados Digitais features super complete and well-informed articles about Digital Marketing and Inbound Marketing. It is a reference in the area.

5. B9

This is one of the oldest blogs on advertising and marketing on the web. Ideal to find out about the latest campaigns and trends and seek inspiration.

6. Mashable

Mashable is ideal for keeping up to date on campaigns and trends in the international market

7. HubSpot

HubSpot is a reference in Inbound Marketing, and your blog talks about everything you need to know about this area of ​​marketing.

8. Seth’s Blog

Want to know everything Seth Godin thinks? Follow the blog of one of the most renowned authors and marketers in the market.

9. Occam’s Razor

This is Avinash Kaushik’s blog, one of the main references in web analytics. It is important to follow up to learn how to better handle your company’s data.

10. Marketo

The Marketo blog is a full plate for anyone who wants to learn about Digital Marketing, social media, automation, Content Marketing, and email marketing.

Anyway, there is everything you need to know about marketing!

But it is clear that such a broad area of ​​knowledge cannot be summarized in a blog article. We tried to go through all the important marketing issues here, but now you can dig deeper.

It is worth checking out our complete articles on each topic, which are linked throughout the article, and studying a little more in the courses, books, films, and e-books that we have indicated above.

Now, how about knowing more about Content Marketing? Read more here.

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