5 Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

5 Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

No matter the size or segment of your company, your target audience is online. Check out our social media tips for small businesses!

The social networks are part of our routine , we are always connected and making updates to the online media almost steadily. 

And it would not be different with companies: about 70% use social networks as a management tool , mainly the WhatsApp messaging application , and the largest social network in the world, Facebook .

Whether to help publicity , increase sales or bring the relationship with customers closer , social networks are already part of the digital marketing strategy of several brands. 

And not only large multinationals make use of this resource. The micro and small businesses also have their space in the digital environment.

In fact, the use of social networks can be a great advantage for local companies. 

In 2018, 72% of small businesses used WhatsApp and only 40% had a Facebook fanpage, according to the Digital Transformation Survey in SMEs  (micro and small companies), carried out by Sebrae.

We have separated 5 tips for your company to stand out within social networks and increase engagement with your customers!

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1- Know Your Audience

The first step in starting a digital strategy is to know your audience. Who is the customer who comes to your store? What type of customer would you like to purchase more of your product or service?

It is important to define your personaThis is a fictional character based on your real customers , created to define exactly who your target audience is 

This persona must have a name, age, profession, family. All the physical and social characteristics that you believe your brand buyers have.

Define two to three personas  in different age groups and characteristics. 

With these data in hand you can analyze what the problem that persona faces and how your brand can bring a solution. 

In addition, you can also determine the best strategies to reach that ideal persona and also what is the best language to chat with on social media.

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2- Choose Social Networks

Knowing who your persona is, you can define which social networks you should focus your digital actions on. There is no point in making an account on all available social networks, you need to create actions in the media where your client is .

Each social network has a different audience , after all, there are different publishing trends in each one. 

The Instagram and Pinterest are more focused on images , the Youtube and IGTV videos , since content more focused on the professional side we have LinkedIn and also Facebook , which may have different formats. 

Therefore, knowing your persona is essential to find him on the networks and to know how to communicate with him.

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3- Make A Schedule

For your actions to be effective within social networks it is important to start with planning 

Decide the number of monthly publications and what major topics you can address that will be of interest to your audience. 

It is interesting to think about making an editorial calendar, so that you can create your content in advance, also taking advantage of seasonality.

Observe how your competitors work on your social networks and always look for references. 

Remember: the content must above all be of great value to your audience. Otherwise, it will be difficult to keep you interested in your brand.

Also Read: 5 Ultimate Digital Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses

4- Talk To The Public

Within your publications you can try to engage the public with questions, polls and tips. Always respond to messages and comments – even complaints. 

One of the great advantages of social media is this possibility of strengthening the relationship with customers , so use this to your advantage!

Bring your followers into the company by posting  behind- the- scenes photos , showing how your team works, when organizing an event or preparing for a big promotion. 

Showing the routine of your company is a great way  to humanize the brand and generate empathy.

Also Read: Social Media For Small Businesses: Complete Step-By-Step Guide

5- Analyze Your Results

Finally, don’t forget to monitor and analyze all your results . It is a way to test and evaluate your strategy 

If it does not deliver the expected results, it may be necessary to change the planning and the next actions 

You can use the metrics of their own social media to check number of comments and likes, and also the publication that got more involved. 

Use social media to highlight your company in the market! How about starting now? 

Discover your company’s digital maturity level and develop the best strategy to attract your target audience. 

For that, count on  Ini Patrick ! We are a digital marketing agency focused on results , which elaborates strategies based on your company’s digital maturity.

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