Marketing Team How To Assemble And Manage An Effective, Integrated And Diverse Team

Marketing Team: How To Assemble And Manage An Effective, Integrated, And Diverse Team?

A Marketing team brings together professionals from various specialties in the sector, ready to work on strategic demands for brand positioning and communication. 

The more these teams are complete and experienced, the better the results. Therefore, the work of assembling the teams is an essential part of the work.

Assembling a Marketing team is a challenge for agencies and companies since this department is crucial for the success of companies today.

These teams have clear goals and, in order to achieve them, there is a long work to be done. In this way, data analysis is essential, as well as other tasks in various fields, such as design, SEO, social media, among others.

Therefore, managers have the mission to build solid, diverse and experienced teams in all areas of Marketing . And great efforts must be directed to structure the sector, choose qualified professionals and offer them the necessary technological infrastructure.

This content will guide you in setting up and managing these teams, ensuring long-term success. In the post you check out the following topics:

What is a Marketing Team?

A Marketing team is the team of people that takes care of all the demands related to the sector. They will be responsible for managing customer accounts, receiving orders, creating campaigns, running actions, and monitoring results.

Amid so many obligations, these teams have grown over the years, mainly due to Digital Marketing .

Having more possibilities to position a brand and communicate with customers requires broader and, above all, multidisciplinary teams. The modern Marketing team is adapted to digital, always dominating more than one of the existing areas.

The new professional profile is a reflection of new technologies, tools and, mainly, of data-driven Marketing . Assembling a Marketing team is a more complex challenge than ever, but necessary to achieve outstanding results.

In-house or Agency Marketing Teams

There are two types of Marketing teams today: those that work within companies (as a sector integrated into the entire structure of the company) and those that work within communication agencies.

Their structures and workflows are influenced by these conditions, so it is necessary to score both types of teams.

A Marketing team allocated within a company works only for one customer, which is the company itself. In some cases, these teams may also work with accounts from other businesses, as long as they are from the same group, as in the case of companies that have multiple brands.

Agency teams work with several accounts, from different segments. This poses a greater challenge, especially as agencies need to have specialists in all areas.

What is the Purpose of These Teams?

A Marketing team will have a series of goals in their work routine, always related to their customers and their respective strategies.

However, when we speak of Marketing, in general, there is a central objective that governs all actions, campaigns, and communication of the company: to generate sales opportunities for the business.

Without revenue there is no profit and, consequently, there is no company. As long as the path to the sale of a product or service is long, this is the point of arrival. 

A Marketing team needs to be broad and diverse precisely because of the way in which this objective is achieved.

Secondary Objectives

The secondary objectives are, in fact, varied importance, of a daily nature, that build meaningful work and generate sales for the business.

To reach these final conversions, it is necessary to work on a series of strands, that is, those objectives that build the obligations of a Marketing team.

In general, we can list among the main ones:

  • generate brand awareness;
  • build and maintain a relationship with the consumer;
  • publicize products and services;
  • develop brand image and personality;
  • keep the brand active in the market;
  • educate the market about products/services.

Why Have a Marketing Team?

Structuring a marketing team is a big challenge that requires understanding, first, what these people can deliver in results. There is much to be achieved by a quality team, so it is essential to know the reasons for building a team.

Next, check out these reasons and understand what they represent for companies.

Transform Data Into Strategic Actions

Data is the most important asset of Marketing today. They show about the market, about managing the sector’s budget, about the ROI of campaigns, about consumer behavior, and a number of other issues.

Today, having control of this information is practically natural to Marketing, but the most important part is knowing how to use it .

The data helps to understand the consumer and relationship environment in which the brand is inserted, but this depends, first, on the analytical view. 

A qualified Marketing team has people who know how to take perceptions and insights from this data.

After that, it’s the most important part: defining strategies based on what the data has shown. Industry professionals must know what the metrics and KPIs show and the impact of these numbers on campaigns. From the results that the data bring, it will be possible to develop more precise and strategic actions.

Monitor Online Perception of Brands

Web users are constantly writing about what reaches them and what they see on social media. Often, these opinions are about the brands, the campaigns they run, the service they provide, their products, and whatever else is possible.

The point is: a Marketing team is able to monitor what is said about the company in question.

The importance of this is great, since the internet is today an environment in which different audiences are. This means that there is hardly anyone commenting on your brand.

In other words, the web is a practically inexhaustible source of valuable insights that need to be understood in the best possible way.

Monitoring allows measuring engagement with campaigns and with brands in general , seeking a more detailed opinion of who the target audience is. 

This material is essential to seek feedback, adjust strategies, and produce more and more accurate content for the audience.

Create Content for Inbound Strategies

One of the pillars of Inbound is Content Marketing, that is, blog posts, ebooks, infographics, and videos offered by brands to educate their respective audiences.

This strategy allows companies to stand out on Google, thanks to the use of search terms (keywords) that are in high demand with their audience.

To stand out and rank well on Google, good content is essential. This quality ranges from writing to filling in SEO parameters. For this, it is essential to have a Marketing team with content creators, copywriters, and specialists in content optimization for the web.

Marketing team professionals also create editorial calendars according to these keywords and subjects of interest to the target audience.

This work is essential to generate qualified traffic for the contents and make them prepare the public to know the brand and, later, generate conversions.

Develop the Relationship with the Public

Each and every brand needs to be concerned with the relationship with its audience. This is one of the pillars of company success and Marketing has a direct influence on the success of achieving this goal.

Solid brands are those that are available to the consumer not only for buy-to-sell relationships, but also in service and in offering tailored opportunities .

Marketing is responsible, primarily, for capturing all the data of these consumers, creating banks of records in the CRM software. From this, consumer histories are created, including their moments of contact, their purchasing preferences, and a series of other strategic details.

From these data, more individualized or general, obtained by preference and consumption surveys, Marketing can create increasingly adjusted relationships and campaigns.

The information helps to create personas and, from them, direct campaigns, actions, and a whole communication that fits better with what the public expects.

Develop Branding Strategies and Actions

Branding is an essential job for companies to manage their brands in the market, that is, to make them become relevant, with credibility, and reaching their audience.

To achieve this, efforts are broad, extensive and continuous, which requires a lot of dedication and, especially, a qualified workforce.

A good Marketing team is able to develop branding actions with high capacity, primarily, because these people know what they are talking about.

A structured team and already adapted to the brands understands the values, the tone and other details that allow to develop actions that, in addition to representing the brand well, are highly capable of reaching the public and engaging.

This work of managing the brand, whether in maintaining its relevance or in efforts to advance its recognition, requires a continuous application. For this, it is also necessary to understand the public, their behavior, preferences and study the way they relate to the company.

How is the Composition of Marketing Teams?

The steps to Structure Modern Marketing team/Departments for Success
Structure of a Marketing Team

The best marketing team project you can do on your own. A structure that meets your specific needs will work better than strictly following the way things have always been done or playing the roles you think you need because that’s what others do.

Start With The Activities To Do

Before thinking about specific roles, think about the work to be done.

That doesn’t necessarily mean knowing the next marketing direction and hiring to fill that void. It means knowing what makes the most sense for your business and finding the talent that matches your specific needs.

This is what our team did when they started. The results speak for themselves and may not be easily achieved if the company follows the traditional recruiting model.

In its early days (and until now), we relied heavily on inbound marketing; Create first-class blog content to attract potential customers. The strategy was simple:

  • Do some basic keyword research.
  • Create content by answering these questions.
  • Promote it on social media and email.

This is effective for capturing an audience and ultimately converting it into a paying customer base. Then the product merchants helped sell the product while building an audience.

Then a public relations team was formed to help manage important relationships, ten times more interest in the product, and more.

Research in your Field

Your competition has gotten to where they are in one way or another. Copying them isn’t necessarily a recipe for replicating success, but studying them can give you ideas about the roles you should take on.

Start looking for names and jobs on LinkedIn. Enter a business of a similar size to yours, a business you like, or perhaps a competitor in the search bar:

Marketing Research team on LinkedIn.

Then scroll through the results to find the locations:

Searching job titles.

Next, create a spreadsheet that identifies the functions you find and where they can logically fit:

Spreadsheet organizational chart to be filled in with the different roles at valuecoast.

This can help you get a general idea of ​​how to structure a marketing department like yours. It can also reveal roles or opportunities you may not have considered before.

Identify The Most Important Work That Will Have The Greatest Impact

We focuses on 10x marketing.

This means prioritizing projects that offer 10x improvements, rather than 10% improvements. This has allowed the company to grow enormously and guide the way decisions are made.

Objective: Discover channels, tactics and strategies that will contribute 10 times to the growth of the company.

Any marketer or team can follow a similar structure to decide which jobs to fill first.

Prioritize Locations

Here are some results from a Get Response survey:

Survey through Get Response autoresponder about digital marketing channels.
Get Response Survey

Select the Functions that correspond to each channel

In general, what functions will be performed, what are the tactics and channels?

Some channels can reach multiple teams (for example, customer service, PR, and content can use social media for different purposes).

Define The Activities for which Each Role should be Responsible

You know what to do. Now, who will be the owner of what are the tasks?

This is about your “homework”. For each job or activity, list the steps required to complete it. Here’s an example of what it would look like when you create a blog post:

  1. Generate an idea.
  2. Do your keyword research.
  3. Write a chart.
  4. Publish according to the scheme.
  5. Visual content design.
  6. Modification and revision.
  7. Program in the editorial calendar.
  8. Performance evaluation.

Each of these tasks can be the responsibility of several team members:

  • Written and ideation and its implementation can fall into content marketing.
  • Keyword research can be done even if your organization doesn’t have a specialized SEO specialist.
  • The graphic designer will be the best at creating visually impressive content.
  • The publisher or manager will need to review and plan the content.
  • If the team had a dedicated analyst or analytics team, they would be responsible for measuring performance and extracting useful insights from the data.

In addition to knowing what to do, understanding what it takes to get the job done efficiently. So hire accordingly and divide the tasks among the team members who are best suited to your job.

Hopefully, you’ve gained valuable insight into how marketing teams are organized. How does your own marketing department compare, and how do you probably think it may change in the future?

How to Form a Marketing team?

Assembling a Marketing team from scratch is a situation that many companies and agencies have been to at least once. What should guide this process is, primarily, what are the basic aspects to be filled in this department.

Marketing has very specific demands and this already directs the choices regarding the qualification of professionals.

In addition, it is also important to think of a hierarchical structure that guarantees leadership and, from that, people trained to compose the team with their respective qualities.

Next, understand what are the fundamental points considered to form a qualified and complete Marketing team.

Seek Knowledge In The Basic Areas

There are basic areas of knowledge in Marketing, so this should be the starting point when structuring a team. Ensure that this team has qualified people with requirements that guarantee knowledge in areas such as:

  • social media;
  • metrics and KPIs;
  • paid media;
  • design;
  • Dice;
  • relationship with the consumer.

Seek Talent For Senior Leadership

Every great team starts with solid and qualified leadership. When structuring Marketing, it is necessary to seek professionals in management positions, especially since they will be essential in choosing the next employees.

This starting point allows us to have a diverse and complete team, without any knowledge gap.

Consider Multidisciplinary Professionals

When starting the search for the team’s professionals, considering multidisciplinarity is fundamental. With new practices and extensive knowledge emerging daily, this versatility and varied bases is fundamental.

A complete team consists of people trained to work in more than one of the areas of Marketing.

Have Specialists in Different Areas

Generalists cannot be just people with basic knowledge in various areas of Marketing. It is important that they are experts in at least one of these fields and, above all, that they have extensive and in-depth practical experience in that area.

Develop an Internship Program

An internship program is also very important to attract young talents that can be developed for the future of the company.

In the learning phase, these professionals can deliver immediate efforts and, later, be decisive for the Marketing team.

What is the Organizational Structure of These Teams?

The advancement of Digital Marketing is an essential point that needs to be considered when we think about the organizational structures of a Marketing team. 

Before, more separated, this idea was left behind in favor of models focused on public and relationship.

To engage and deliver qualified content and communication, it is essential to focus on experience , leaving structuring in large sectors behind.

Today, a Marketing team is integrated, exchanging more data and, mainly, working continuously, without so many flow breaks.

Following this idea, a team structure that should be seen more commonly in the future is according to the representation below:

Based on this concept, there are several different structures that allow this focus on the customer and the quality of relationships, instead of focusing on the breadth of the audience. Check out each one below and what are their values.

Customer Experience Model

The customer experience model is highly recommended for teams that provide services, that is, agencies that have multiple accounts.

This structure can also work well for Marketing teams that want to focus more on the customer experience , especially to stand out in markets. 

So, if your audience values ​​the experience as much as the product itself, this can be a great structuring.

In the customer experience model, points such as social proof are of great value, as well as the management of social networks and the transmission of campaigns and communication through these channels. 

From these mechanisms, it will be possible to create more solid brands.

Segment-Focused Model

This model is focused on identifying the needs of specific market segments and meeting them.

It is common for teams that work hard with content creation to feel more comfortable and capture the best results in this structuring, because it allows them to deliver the same solution to customers with the same pain.

In addition to the example given, it is possible to segment by business model, area of ​​operation, size of the company, and others.

The basis of this structuring must be the creation of complete personas that really portray the average consumer , but for a variety of customers.

From there, the company proposes to be experts in solving that specific problem. For this structure model, surveys point to an increase in revenue of 760%.

Operational Teams Model

The purpose of this model is to divide the Marketing team into different sectors that cover a specific area of ​​work, considering goals as well.

These divisions are linear, only as a form of organization, but with members within the same hierarchical scale.

It is essential to highlight that this is a highly collaborative model . If there is no integration and communication, it is practically impossible to deal with the demands.

The separation is made only to dedicate specialists to each area, increasing the production capacity and quality of each of these fields.

Specific Teams Model by Channel

The model of specific teams tries to bring more qualifications to areas, with work focused on different disciplines of Digital Marketing. 

As much as it escapes the multidisciplinary idea a little, the detailed and widespread division can better distribute employees according to their specialties.

For example, in this model it is possible to have divisions like the group that only takes care of Instagram, another group focused only on content for blogs, and so on. For this to work in a general structure, integration also becomes essential.

Product-Based Team Models

This is an essential model for a Marketing team that takes care of many products in a company or a customer.

Thus, a group of people is assigned to take care of each of these products, with the necessary qualification that they require, according to their audiences and other details.

This separation generates a more focused dedication, preventing employees from having to work with such diverse products. 

This more focused dedication also allows measuring results individually, which allows us to detect which product generates better returns.

What are Marketing Positions?

The main Marketing positions need to be filled with trained professionals. These positions are essential for important demands to be developed in the sector’s routine.

Next, check out what these positions are and what their jobs are.


The copywriter is an essential professional to develop campaign concepts, video content scripts, advertising writing and content for content strategies.

This is a professional who must have extensive experience with writing, mastery of the Portuguese language and also needs to be creative.

To develop good content for blog posts, it is necessary that he has knowledge in SEO, in addition to writing capable of drawing attention and holding the reader’s attention, copywriting.


The designer is responsible for creating layouts, graphic pieces, website and application environments and developing the visual identity of brands and campaigns.

He is always a busy professional, since he concentrates large volumes of orders daily.

The skills to develop concepts graphically are the main requirements of this professional. Since most of the content is digital, he needs to have experience and know how to operate design and image processing software.

Data Analyst

The importance of the data is indisputable and has already been mentioned in this content, not for nothing, the analyst has a decisive role, even though he is one of the most recent specialists in Marketing teams. Its role is crucial to transform numbers into strategic information.

These professionals need, in addition to understanding metrics and KPIs, to have an analytical view of the results. Your insights will be important to generate more accurate reports, able to better guide managers to the right decisions.

Project Manager

Project managers are professionals who need to accumulate some qualities, among them the ability to organize and delegate tasks. They are responsible for monitoring the progress of tasks within specific accounts, ensuring a good level of work.

A manager must also be attentive to the analytical reports to ensure adequacy to the strategy and the achievement of the best results. Therefore, to occupy this position it is necessary to have extensive experience and knowledge in various fields of Marketing.

Content Analyst

The role of the content analyst is to ensure that the inbound strategy is highly qualified, designating more accurate content for production.

He will decide agendas, do keyword research, be up to date on SEO parameters and everything else that is important for Content Marketing.

In practice, this analyst works directly with the Marketing team of writers. He will be the guide of the editorial production, defining the calendars, the tone of voice and other more technical details about the contents.

SEO Analyst

The SEO analyst is the professional who conducts research and ensures that the content strategy is responding to the public’s search intentions.

To ensure this, this professional must be well informed about keywords, topics and technical information related to updates to Google’s algorithms.

His job is also to distinguish the competition, knowing SERP well related to the themes that his strategy deals with. Only then will it be decisive to better rank pages and content on the web.

Social Media Analyst

This is the member of the Marketing team that focuses on working on social networks. Your role is to keep these channels up to date, publish and develop content, in addition to monitoring metrics and directing them to analysts who work directly with data.

The analyst also defines publication times, selects the relevant content for the strategy and manages these pages. Their role is essential, since these platforms are decisive for the brand strategy.

UX Analyst

The UX analyst is responsible for monitoring the results in relation to the performance of the pages of a website.

With his knowledge of user experience, this member analyzes metrics related to the length of stay and user navigation on the sites, in order to propose improvements to enhance these results.

The UX analyst also proposes optimizations aimed at conversion rates, ensuring that users are more attracted to taking actions within these sites.

Your role is even more important when designing and analyzing landing pages for ebooks or direct sales offers within pages.

Growth Hacker

An increasingly valued professional in Marketing, the growth hacker is focused on developing growth strategies for campaigns, actions, social media, and all the work.

He conducts tests, experiments, and studies various possibilities for adjustments and arrangements to improve these results in all fields.

The basis of his work is creativity and innovation, in addition to extensive technical knowledge that must always be up to date. 

He is a professional who works extensively, being able to work in internal segments and specific projects, always available to the department.

Hack Growth Hacking: what it is and how to apply it in practice in your company

What Tools are Indispensable for Marketing Teams?

The tools are the great companions of the marketing professional on a daily basis. Without them, it is practically impossible to do a good job in digital, mainly because automation is fundamental.

Find out which are the main ones that should be available to a Marketing team, separated by categories.

Project Management

Managing projects is a job that requires organization, especially for teams that handle multiple accounts. With the right tools it is possible to delegate demands separated by teams, keeping everyone informed and updated.

Among the main ones we can highlight:

Social Media Management

Managing social media with tools allows you to schedule posts, automate tasks, monitor results and track public opinion about your content.

The main tools that enable this are:

E-mail Marketing

Email tools are used to develop layouts for messages, insert signatures, trigger content for mailings and monitor open rates, among other metrics. Managing email marketing strategies without a platform is impossible!

Among those that can help are:


Analytics tools help to monitor metrics and measure campaign results. In addition, they provide support for performing A / B tests, among many other possibilities.

With the importance of data today, this platform category is simply mandatory for any Marketing team.

Some of the best are:

Optimization of pages and content is essential and, for this, it is essential to have tools that allow keyword searches, monitor the performance of themes, among other possibilities.

Image Editing

The visual part of campaigns and everyday communication is extremely important, and this is the role of designers and advertisers. To develop layouts, treat images and build visual identities it is necessary to have some tools.

Some of the main ones are:

How to Improve The Results of Your Marketing Team?

How to Improve The Results of Your Marketing Team

A Marketing team needs to be managed to achieve the best possible results. For this, strategic planning and good operational and managerial practices are indispensable.

See what are the essential points to improve the results of your department!

Build a Diverse team

Teams need to be diversified, with professionals from different fields, always duly qualified and with market experience.

Teams assembled from this base are able to achieve the best results in all areas of Marketing.

Structure the Marketing Team Properly

The ideal structure is one that enhances results according to customers, services and products that the company or account offers.

Follow the models presented in this content, considering the reality of your Marketing team.

Define Strategic Plans

Strategic planning ensures that the efforts of the teams are directed to achieve the intended objectives.

Good results are directly associated with the achievement of these goals, which is only possible if all actions and campaigns are structured in advance.

Measure and Monitor Results

Measuring results continuously is essential to deeply understand the market, the consumer and the company’s own results. This follow-up helps to optimize results and define more precise guidelines for each of the clients.

A Marketing team is able to generate more sales and build solid brands, that communicate well with their audience and that have great results in their campaigns.

For this, it is essential to structure these teams properly, with experienced and multidisciplinary professionals.

Managing these teams properly is necessary, and part of that job is to develop and provide opportunities for growth. To help with these demands, check out the Marketing category!

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