How to Leverage Google Images to Promote Your Business Website

How to Leverage Google Images to Promote Your Business Website

Google has become an increasingly important platform for businesses. Currently, there is always a dispute for the best positioning on the search site, with the focus on attracting more traffic to your business. But did you know that it is also possible to use google images in this strategy?

Such a tool can cause the images on your site to be positioned in an exclusive area of ​​the search engine, intended only for them. With this, it is possible to take advantage of another source of traffic, ensuring a greater reach of your brand to your customers.

In this article you will see:

  • what google images is and how it works;
  • how to appear well on google images;
  • how image search works.

What Is and How Google Images Works

How to Appear Well on Google Images
Google Image

Google Images was created in 2001, three years after Google was founded. Its creation was motivated after singer Jennifer Lopez emerged wearing a Versace dress at the Grammy Awards in 2000.

The dress was so successful that fans of the artist started searching for photos of the piece on Google, at a time when it still did not have a section dedicated only to images, and the results pointed only to links with texts.

With that, it was necessary to update the platform to meet these searches. After this demand arose, engineers worked to develop Google Images, which was launched the following year.

Through this tool, it is possible to find specific websites, content or photos, using an image search instead of text. This is known as reverse image search.

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Some sectors have the image as the main point, that is, decoration companies, architecture, clothes, food, among others. As a result, visual marketing plays an important role for the business.

How to Appear Well on Google Images

Being in the top positions of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) of Google images is much easier than in the search bar. Therefore, optimizing images is a great opportunity for your company.

With this, it is also possible to get a better position in the search bar, as Google generally prioritizes sites that have optimized images.

Check out how to appear well on google images:

Add Alt Text (Alternative Text)

Adding alternative text, with the main keyword of your text, when placing the image on your website, is essential. This little information may seem irrelevant, but it is this change that will make your image appear when someone searches for a keyword.

Rename the Images

It is important to rename the images before uploading them to your website. For this:

  • click on the image you want to rename;
  • with the right mouse button click on the image and choose the option rename;
  • rename the image according to what it represents and using the main keyword of the content;
  • the words must be separated by a hyphen instead of spaces, without special characters.

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Reduce the Size of Images

Sites that load slowly tend to be “penalized” by Google, which consequently ends up damaging their ranking. Therefore, compaction is essential.

There are some SEO tools and plugins on WordPress – like Smush – that you can use to compress the size of your images and convert them to JPG. There are also free, manual tools available for this – like iloveimg.

Create Unique Images

When we use the google images tool, even though we are well positioned in the ranking, it also needs to draw attention.

Thus, if your business focuses on photographs, it is necessary to go beyond image banks so that you can reflect and really draw attention to your company.

In addition, original photos can only be crawled to your website, when doing an image search. 

So, if there is an original production, of high quality and visually attractive, people may want to replicate that content, using external links that direct to your website.

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How Does Image Search Work?

How Does Image Search Work - Google Images
Image Search

You can do image search in four ways, they are:

  • upload an image;
  • drag and drop an image;
  • use a URL;
  • right-click on an image.

Let’s detail each one of them:

Image Upload Search

To search for image upload, just click on the camera icon in the Google search box. Then choose the option “Send an image” and upload the photo you want to search for.

Drag and Drop a Photo

This option is quite simple. Just drag the file from your computer and drop it in the search box.

Use a URL

Similar to the first item, just click on the camera icon, but instead of sending the image, you will select the option to “Paste the image URL”.

Right-click Search

If you are browsing the internet and want to know more about an image, just click on it with the right mouse button and select “Search for image on Google”.

Did you like to know the advantages of using google images for your business? Check out more articles like this on the Ini Patrick Notes blog

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