10 Basic Social Media Tips For Small Businesses

10 Basic Social Media Tips For Small Businesses

What are the Basic Social Media Tips For Small Businesses?

Learn here what is most fundamental for your company to have a captivating and, at the same time, strategic digital presence.

Social networks are already part of the life of most Nigerians. Nigeria is the country that most uses networks in Engish. According to the Digital in 2020 report, released by the companies We are Social and Hootsuite, 66% of Nigerians are active on social networks. And this audience uses them with a commercial bias, searching daily for a service or product over the internet.

If you don’t know where to start or want to improve what you already have, follow the  10 golden tips for social networks.

1. Define the Persona

One of the basic Social Media Tips For Small Businesses is: Determining the  traits of your target audience  is critical. You need to know information such as age, gender, location and average income. This is the minimum. And if you have already made your business plan, you have all this data. However, the persona has a greater level of detail. 

The difference between the target audience and the persona is that it contains more comprehensive characteristics, while this characterizes real buyers, which will underpin the strategic decisions of social networks.

Using a persona is one of the best ways to take successful actions. You can do research directly with your customers, seeking to know what their tastes, preferences, hobbies and pains are.

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Want to see an example?

Juliana, middle class, Nigerian, 23 years old, university student, works in an accounting office and her income is one minimum wage. He lives with his parents in Iyana Ipaja, in the interior of Lagos. His hobby is going out to dance in the nightclubs of the city. She likes to be always well-dressed and fashionable. Because he needs to pay for college, he doesn’t buy expensive products.

That way, it is much easier to get the actions right and know exactly what your customers want.

2. Get to Know Social Networks, How They Work and What Their Audience Is 

When we talk about social networks, most people immediately think of Facebook. And it is not for less, this is the most famous network that exists and, in Nigeria, the estimated number is 31.8 million users.

But there are other social networks that can be explored.  Instagram has a very high level of engagement. That is, through it, much more than  likes, you can get involvement, interaction and relationship with your customers. 

LinkedIn is the largest social network focused on the job market. It is ideal for interacting with users, promoting the brand and even recruiting employees. To help small businesses, LinkedIn has launched a series of guides. 

Twitter is the social network known for its limited number of characters: 280. Twitter users are connected in technology, science and cinema. 

YouTube is an excellent social network for gaining popularity through videos. Take care only with the image and sound quality. But you don’t need a professional camera and microphone, nothing like that! It is important that viewers can hear clearly and that the image has a nice quality, such as not being blurry or blurry. On the internet, you can find some really cool tips on how to make videos for internet.

Also Read: Instagram For Business: How To Use A Business Account To Boost Your Sales.

Pinterest is a social network where people search and provide ideas on various subjects: fashion, wellness, health, decoration, haircut, hairstyle, inspirational phrases, crafts and many other things. 

3. Choose Quality Over Quantity

Not all social networks will be suitable for your business and the goals and objectives you have set . For two reasons. First, because most small business entrepreneurs need to manage their own networks.

In addition, if you understand the purpose of each social network and created personas, you should know where your customers and potential customers prefer to interact. Focus your efforts there, sharing quality content and solving your problems.

Let’s see how companies can be present on social networks? 

  • If you are a craftsman or artisan, have a clothing or jewelry company, Pinterest and Instagram are good options.
  • If your company is in the IT field or a startup, Twitter can be a good option.
  • If you are a honey producer, why not make videos with recipes with honey as an ingredient and put on YouTube?
  • If your company serves others, focus on LinkedIn.

Go where your audience is and deliver value. You will be rewarded for that.

Social media Tips For Small Businesses

4 . Plan Yourself

Like everything in life, for a role in social networks, you will also need planning.

Set goals on social media . Use the structure of Smart goals – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound objectives. For example, “I will increase the number of fans on my company’s Facebook page from 700 to 1,100 in three months.”

Create a calendar. Think of holiday dates, promotion periods and other content that is worth sharing.

5. Relevant Content

Put yourself in the shoes of the customer, the persona you created and  think what they want to know about your company . If you have a clothing store, why not give tips on how to combine colors and what are the latest trends? It is a good opportunity to showcase your products. 

Always pay attention to what your customers want. It is not because you like guava more than chocolate that your customers think so too. Sometimes content that you don’t like will touch your customers.

And don’t forget to always update your social networks with information such as phone, address, days and hours of service. Imagine if your customers want to know if your store is going to be open for the holidays and not find any information on the networks? Stay tuned!

Also Read: 12 Tips To Boost Your Social Media Marketing For Small Businesses

6. Images

A picture is worth a thousand words. So cliché and so true! GIFs, memes, photographs, pictures, graphics and videos have much more engagement than texts. 

7. Create a Relationship 

It is not enough to put your posts on the networks and not interact with Internet users . This creates an impression of sloppiness. Respond, like the comments, make a filter to delete any disrespectful comments.

More than 80% of customers expect a company to respond within 24 hours. So, when it comes to responding, show your company’s experience and don’t hesitate to use a little humor. 

Another idea to create a relationship that humanizes your company can be to post photos of you and your employees at work, in daily activities, in the production area, or celebrating birthdays.

Social media Tips For Small Businesses

8. Schedule The Posts 

Since you’ve done the planning and have a calendar with the posts,  make the schedule and free up space on your calendar . There are several free tools that allow this facility.

Also Read: Social Media For Small Businesses: Complete Step-By-Step Guide

9. Find Inspiration From Successful Brands 

Another basic Social Media Tips For Small Businesses is to use successful strategies as inspiration. See the social networks of successful companies in the same industry as yours and use them as inspiration to make your own campaigns. It’s just not worth copying, okay?

10. Monitor The Test Results  and Evaluate Your Strategy

Analyze data such as: number of clicks per post, reach of posts, time of publication, content, number of visits. Then, make the necessary adjustments based on the results to improve performance more and more.

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