
Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends for 2022

Marketing Trends are constantly changing and sometimes it is difficult to keep up with new buyers’ expectations. 

The development of digital technology, in particular, has greatly changed public behavior and companies have no choice but to adapt their marketing strategy to continue to be of interest to their target audience.

To help you anticipate certain marketing trends, we have compiled in 11 points, the areas that companies will need to pay attention to this year, whether in terms of marketing, social media, communication, or technology.

11 marketing trends to watch in 2022

  1. Eco-responsible marketing trends.
  2. The use of omnichannel marketing trends.
  3. Personalization, humanization.
  4. User-generated content marketing trends.
  5. Augmented reality.
  6. Artificial intelligence.
  7. Chatbots marketing trends.
  8. The marketing of nostalgia.
  9. Voice search.
  10. The live marketing trends
  11. Social networks and in particular TikTok.

Eco-Responsible Marketing

Eco-Responsible Marketing - ini patrick notes
Eco-Responsible Marketing & Advertising

Until recently, companies that took the environment into account in their marketing strategy were in the minority. Today, faced with the growing concern of consumers for the protection of nature, they have every interest in including it as a priority in their sales policy.

This begins as soon as the product is manufactured, favoring industrial processes and materials that limit environmental impact. 

This then applies to the finished product, in the choice of its packaging and its communication. This may involve, for example, replacing plastic with biodegradable material or paper advertising with digital communication.

By adopting a “green marketing” practice, not only does the company help protect the environment, but above all, it conveys a positive brand image with consumers, that of a trusted company that respects nature. 

Many customers are willing to pay more for a product or service offered by an eco-responsible brand.

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The Use of Omnichannel

The omnichannel strategy is about managing prospect touchpoints synchronously and not independently of each other. Thus, customers are assured of a continuous and seamless experience, regardless of the channel chosen.

Omnichannel is more user-centric than brand-centric, which fully responds to the current trend, resulting in steadily increasing popularity with customers. 

According to the Wide agency, in partnership with EBG and Harris Interactive, 85% of French people used digital for their purchases in 2019, in addition to their experience in a physical store.

To succeed with an omnichannel strategy, it is necessary to:

  • Focus on the online or offline user experience in order to improve traffic and conversion rates.
  • Adjust content for mobile use.
  • Use social networks as a sales platform.
  • Provide the same information to the consumer, regardless of the channel used.
  • Provide digital tools to salespeople to facilitate interaction with the customer.
  • Make sure that the customer can perform certain actions in total autonomy in order to reduce the wait at the point of sale (thanks to interactive terminals, for example).
  • Use digital tools to present products and allow ordering, such as tablets or touch screens.


This is about creating a close relationship with future customers by offering them personalized information with a dual objective: converting prospects and humanizing the brand by making it closer to consumers.

Netflix, for example, has understood the value of personalizing its offer very well. Thanks to the use of algorithms, the streaming platform is able to recommend movies or series to its subscribers based on the content they have already watched. It even goes further by adapting the posters of the films it highlights to each visitor.

When creating content, it is best to use everyday language with a touch of humor when the situation allows. Marketing emails need to be personalized to make the prospect want to click. 

It would also appear that personalized emails generate 29% higher unique open rates and 41% higher single click rates compared to non-personalized emails (source: Invesp).

The messages must be clear and constructed in such a way as to guide the consumer in his purchasing journey. This can be done by adding call-to-action buttons.

It is also important to humanize the communication, in particular by inserting photos of employees or videos presenting the company.

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User-Generated Content

User-Generated Content ini patrick notes
User-Generated Content

More and more businesses are using Customer Generated Content, or UGC, as a promotional tool to their prospects.

Consumers tend to give much more credit to the voice of other customers than to the communication of the brand itself. 

Indeed, online reviews, for example, impact 67.7% of purchasing decisions and 86% of customers would pay more for the services of a higher-rated business.

It is, therefore, necessary for a brand to encourage consumers to communicate about its products and to use their creativity. 

It seems that Internet users are more receptive to content that conveys messages of authenticity and that is exactly what the UGC offers. 

These are real testimonials published in different formats (videos, product demonstrations, blog articles, photos on social networks, etc.).

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality, which superimposes the virtual on the real, is very trendy in recent years and finds its place in a marketing strategy. It allows brand content to be given a new dimension by offering new experiences to customers.

Augmented reality was first popularized by the game Pokémon Go in 2016, the goal of which was to capture as many Pokémon as possible using the camera of your smartphone and its geolocation. She was then adopted by Snapchat and Instagram through filters.

Today, many sectors use augmented reality as a marketing lever through which the buyer can project himself into a situation with the product.

This is the case with Ikea, for example, which offers the possibility of staging a piece of furniture in its own interior directly via its smartphone in order to see if the dimensions are suitable. 

Adidas, in collaboration with Snapchat, also offered an increased fitting to its customers. Using Snapchat’s Lens technology, they can try on their pair of sneakers directly via their mobile.

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

The introduction of AI in the field of marketing is a real asset, as much in decision-making as in the optimization of marketing campaigns. 

It takes into account large volumes of data in real-time and processes them according to predefined rules. 

The algorithms make it possible to identify the behavioral trends of consumers, their appetite for one product or another, or even the probability of making the purchase. 

Thus, they offer the possibility to the company to create models of anticipation of the needs and thus to improve its marketing strategy.

Artificial intelligence also highlights the different segments of a market, which then allows the company to adapt its offer. 

Amazon was notably able, thanks to AI, to add to its sales pages the function “Those who bought this product also bought…”. The number of sales has thus increased with the implementation of this personalized targeting.

It is also possible to trigger actions in real-time according to the probability of purchase or the sensitivity of a user to a particular criterion. These could be product recommendations, specific posts, or video or blog suggestions.


The use of chatbots is more and more frequent in the context of e-commerce. Accessible to customers 24 hours a day and faster, they are able to suggest a selection of products or engage the prospect through targeted marketing campaigns.

They can interact with the client and thus limit access to real advisors, which has the advantage of reducing costs. In addition to providing fast customer service, they are also a real gold mine when it comes to customer data.

Some sites have integrated the chatbot automatically. Each time you log into the site, a window opens at the bottom right of the screen in order to offer promotions or personalized advice to visitors.

The chatbot solution is an effective choice for companies that do not necessarily have the financial and human resources to answer their customers’ questions. 

In addition, according to a study conducted by Ubisend in 2017, 69% of customers cite speed as the main reason for talking to a chatbot rather than a human.

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The Marketing Trends of Nostalgia

Several studies, including that of Dr. Simon Moss, show that nostalgia has the power to produce positive feelings, even in the case of painful past events. 

Another study, carried out by a team of researchers from the Grenoble management school, indicates that nostalgia makes people more inclined to spend (source: Harvard Business Review).

Nostalgic marketing brings back memories through sensory stimuli so that consumers find themselves in a time when everything seemed easy and reassuring. Thus, he puts aside his rational barriers and is more able to pass to the act of purchase.

Some companies are already riding this trend. The Bonne Maman brand is a bit of a pioneer. With its products with recognizable packaging and its recipes with the scent of yesteryear, it bases its image on authenticity and home-made. 

In 2019, to celebrate its 100th anniversary, Danone put the glass jars marketed in 1919 back on the shelves in order to target the nostalgic consumer who advocates a return to authentic products.

Voice Search – Marketing Trends

Using voice search has become commonplace for a large number of consumers. Smartphone users are increasingly interacting with a voice to search Google from their phones. 

The speakers connected Alexa Siri or type are also booming. It goes without saying that this has a definite impact on the marketing strategy of brands.

It is therefore essential to invest in branding to see your brand reach the top of mind in the minds of users. Indeed, a company must put all the chances on its side when the user goes through his connected speaker to carry out a research on a product. It is better for the brand to say: “Alexa, add Nutella to my basket” rather than “Alexa, add spread to my basket”.

Voice searches are usually expressed as a question and Google takes this into account in its proposed results. Natural referencing then takes its place. 

The content offered must answer precisely to the questions asked by consumers and the titles of the pages must be formulated in question marks whenever possible.

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The Live – Marketing Trends

Live Stream

In 2021, the Livestream market is expected to exceed  $70 billion. (Source: Vimeo) And for good reason, this format has met with particular success during lockdowns and is available in various forms: webinar, conference, live broadcast, etc. 

For brands and influencers, this format has made it possible to maintain a link with their community and gain visibility. Indeed, the live functionality is available on most social networks and these appear in the users’ news feed. 

Live is also key to recreating online elements of physical sales, practice allows users to engage on e-commerce platforms. Today, the rise of live shopping is proof of this. 

Social Networks and in Particular TikTok

TikTok Social Networks

Social networks, it’s no secret, have taken a crucial place in the lives of consumers and are extremely powerful growth levers for companies.

Thanks to them, the brand creates a real community around it. They allow it to communicate in real-time and on a very regular basis with its users. Thus, it establishes a feeling of proximity and belonging which favors the passage to the act of purchase.

If Facebook and Instagram have already proven themselves in terms of marketing impact, the social network TikTok, meanwhile, offers enormous potential to deploy a brand. 

This application, particularly popular with young people ( 80% of users are between 16 and 34 years old), now has more than a billion monthly active users worldwide and is opened on average 8 times a day by everyone. ‘between them.

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TikTok is an interactive platform that offers many options for co-creating content between users, whether in the form of a challenge (users are encouraged to create their own video on an imposed theme) or even as a duo (users take another user’s video and integrate it into theirs). 

For advertising on TikTok to have value, it is, therefore, necessary to engage your community as much as possible, by regularly exchanging and sharing content.

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